Apr 25, 2010 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
This post is a continuation of the last one, “Be Irrational.” Have you ever been inspired by someone for no logical, rational reason? They were saying something that may or may not have fit with what you currently believed to be true, yet for some reason...Apr 19, 2010 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
The second key to freedom & clarity is in being irrational… surprised? Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind its faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the...Apr 12, 2010 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business
To continue on the post from last week about doing nothing… Doing nothing meant taking no action to try to “fix” something, or avoid it, but rather just getting honest with yourself about “what is.” We talked about Joe, who was...Apr 8, 2010 | Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
When was the last time you gave yourself permission to do nothing? Likely long ago, if ever. Giving yourself permission to be, and not do, is truly important… but that is not what I’m talking about right now. Later you can go to the spa, take a nap if you...Apr 6, 2010 | Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I am finally, as of 2 months ago, a subscriber to Seth Godin’s blog. I resisted subscribing because I thought with all my studies, I have a handle on being authentic in life. Well, I must say, I have gotten some new thoughts from reading him, and also some...