Sep 29, 2010 | Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
Nature abhors a vacuum. Whenever we create space in our life, it gets filled with something very quickly. Like the clean surface of my desk! (It rarely stays that way for long.) How does knowing this help me live in my sweet spot? Because if we desire to bring...Sep 23, 2010 | Making Money in Your Business
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talks about his study of successful people in which he recognized that they have a habit of making decisions quickly. I have been practicing this in recent weeks as I am preparing to move. I wrote a blog a while back about...Sep 16, 2010 | Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
This week I taught a class in my “Power in the Hallways” program on the “Denying” hallway. This isn’t about being in denial, but rather about denying the Truth of who you are – your own greatness – and it involves a lot of...Sep 5, 2010 | Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
As I prepare for vacation, I am very excited to be taking a full week off – truly off – with no laptop at hand. I work with people to discover what they really want their life to look like, and take a stand for having what they want in life. Similarly, I...