Nov 30, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
3 Breakthroughs that Allowed My Success I’ve been recently reflecting on some of the things I have overcome (mostly) that have allowed me to create a successful business. I’ve been meeting people who have reminded me to be grateful for moving past a few...Nov 23, 2011 | Designing Your Business
I’ve recently taken up exercise, in the form of a boot camp. The other morning I was doing my chest presses (yes, I surprise myself with this topic of discussion here) and my instructor, Jennifer, reminded us to focus on working the muscles in our chest. That...Nov 16, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
3 Costly Ways Mission-Driven Business Owners Can Try To Do Too Much. Are you a mission-driven business owner who wants to make a big difference, yet you’re overwhelmed and exhausted? Perhaps you have overestimated the powers of your magic wand! See if you...Nov 9, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
This may be news for some of you. I’ll be honest, it’s kinda like news for me every time I remember it. There is no finish line. We never get it all figured out. We never have all of the answers. It never ends! This could be a bummer, or it could be the most freeing...Nov 4, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
Many of my clients are “helpingpreneurs.” Service-based entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the world. I attended coaching school with many “helpers.” I myself have been a “helper.” (In truth I still slip into that role from time to time.) A helper is a...