Sep 30, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I remember those fleeting thoughts… This is it. This is what I’m REALLY about in life. If I could just make this happen, the world would be a different place and I would be a happy girl. Have you had them? Those points of distinct clarity of mind do come, don’t...Sep 23, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
To get from point A to point B, you have to know where, exactly, point A is. You can’t begin a journey to a destination without being clear from where you are departing. One of my mentors used to say “If I dropped you in the desert with a map and you didn’t...Sep 16, 2015 | BEING in Your Business
It’s happened to me countless times. I go about my life and my business (or my job back when I was in a job) and make decisions and float along on the trajectory I set for myself. These days it’s a trajectory I really love. But then it happens nonetheless. I’ll hear...Sep 9, 2015 | Marketing Your Business
It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by all the marketing vehicles we have at our disposal these days. Should I Periscope? This is the hot question right now, right? And then you pop on Facebook for ten minutes and you see your 6 closest people doing 6 different things...Sep 2, 2015 | BEING in Your Business
Can 10 minutes out from behind your desk change your life? How about a week without your email application? I feel like a broken record sometimes when I talk about environment. But then I remember that just because I know something is important doesn’t mean...