Nov 25, 2015 | Designing Your Business
I was hiking with my friend Kristi. It wasn’t an out of the ordinary day, except that I was visiting Colorado for a month, living in a vacation rental, and testing out the city to see if I might like to move there. Kristi was introducing me to one of her favorite...Nov 18, 2015 | Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
There is an old Subaru radio ad that goes something like this: “Sometimes when you want to make a statement, you wear it on a T-shirt. Other times on a bumper sticker. And sometimes it’s the car you drive…” It goes on to talk about how Subaru drivers are the type of...Nov 11, 2015 | BEING in Your Business
Have you ever had the experience of being crystal clear one minute and in a full-on state of confusion the next? This can happen to the best of us, and at the end of the day you find yourself asking in all seriousness, “Have I lost the plot here?” This phrase is...Nov 3, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
In last week’s article, “Is the Universe Tricking You?” we talked about the Cycle of Proving and how it shows up to have you question and doubt your decisions. The Universe is never tricking you, it’s simply revealing to you some aspect of your subconscious mind that...