Happy HalloweenHappy Halloween!  The reports on the morning shows today are about all things scary.  Similarly, my Facebook newsfeed is filled with ghosts and goblins, etc.  Which made me think about what we’re REALLY afraid of on Halloween, and every day.

I sent my clients a card this week that said “Boo,” and, “May you be surprised by your greatness this Halloween.”  The truth is that while our greatness often can surprise us, it scares us as well.  As Marianne Williamson is known to quote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”

The majority of my clients come face to face with this fear at some point, and see clearly where it has been stopping them from moving forward.

The reasons vary, but here are a few common ones:

  • We don’t want to be responsible. If we truly begin to use our full power, making the things happen in reality that have previously only been alive in our mind, we suddenly become responsible for those things.  I am now responsible for running a business.  Sometimes to think of this is scary! 🙂
  • We are afraid people won’t like us. In many circles, the core social currency, the way we relate to each other, consists of shared complaints and struggles overcome.  We love to tell each other about how we’ve gained weight and we aren’t going to the gym, or our roof is leaking on our house and now we have to deal with it.  “Oh, yeah, you think you’ve got problems!” is an oft-heard phrase.  We fit in with one another in our struggle.  Giving up the struggle in favor of shining can be scary!
  • We would rather not risk being “wrong.” When you choose to let your light shine and people notice, some people might think you are, *gasp*, wrong!  If you are someone who desires to use your brilliance to make a difference in the world, it feels as if there is a lot at stake… you truly want to make the best difference possible.  The trouble is, there is no right or wrong, and you’ll never have proof that you are right.  You must trust your view, and your intuition.  Because we’re generally never taught to do this, this, too, can feel scary.
  • It’s just plain unfamiliar, thus uncomfortable. I rarely encounter someone who was taught in childhood about how to identify their unique gifts and talents, and how to let them shine in a healthy way.  We are taught not to brag, we are taught to fix the things that we don’t do well rather than enjoy the things we do, we learn about when to keep our mouths shut and follow the rules, we learn to “share” in a way that often involves sacrificing that which is important to us.  It’s nobody’s fault.  Our parents and teachers are just passing on what was taught to them.  But breaking the chain and honoring your brilliance is, well, scary.

I truly believe that if each individual on this planet began to honor their own brilliance, their unique gifts, talents, and passions, their unique viewpoint, the world would work.  Most simply, if we were each free to be ourselves (as we are each naturally brilliant in our own way), nobody would want what someone else has, and there would be peace.

Are you ready to do your part for “world peace” and step through that which is “scary” and let your light shine?

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