Jan 30, 2013 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I’m about to hire my first full-time employee. There’s nothing like that to make you feel like a real business. I’ve made some mistakes in hiring contractors in the last year and this has really called me to grow into a leader that decides from, and follows, her...Jan 16, 2013 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
Follow your Truth no matter what. This is what I believe. I also believe that most humans on this planet are not raised to know what our Truth is. As Don Miguel Ruiz likes to talk about, the “storytellers” who are on this planet before us like to tell us who to be and...Jan 9, 2013 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
What You Need to Know Before You Get Your Prospects Excited I’ve been talking a lot lately about activating the prospects that are all around you. (Here’s my recent video on the subject) In fact in my recent Virtual Content Camp, participants generated a campaign idea...Jan 3, 2013 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I’m just a little bit caught in the middle… This is the first lyric to a song I can’t stop singing called “The Show” (I downloaded it from The Voice :)). As I danced around my kitchen this morning during coffee time (yes, I do that), it hit me why I love this...Jan 2, 2013 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I have a post-it note above my desk that reads, “Thank you God for always bringing me back to Truth. It’s a joy to serve you.” This little note is a reminder that I am never alone, and it is always safe to surrender to what is coming up next in my growth. Running your...