SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube | Spotify | Stitcher This is such an exciting time for intuition. I think people more and more are understanding that they have inner guidance and that they don’t need to be so quick to look outside of themselves to get answers. And...
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube | Spotify | Stitcher Stuck gets a really bad rap, but what I’ve found is that while it’s sucky “being in the stuck”, the stuck always has something for you. That’s why you’re stuck because you got to get it. –...
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube | Spotify | Stitcher And I think we often think about getting it. We want to get it from our partners, because I think, as retreat leaders, we are giving, and we’re pouring into our partners, and we’re facilitating...
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube | Spotify | Stitcher I just had this thought. I was lying in bed and I was like, “I’m not going to die until I choose to die.” We don’t die until our soul chooses to release from this life. And as I grew older, I...
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube | Spotify | Stitcher I remember the days when I would just keep adding to my plate and not taking anything away. I had a really smart consultant kind of Ivy League friend who liked my idea a lot. I was getting some business advice...