Oct 27, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
The ‘Master Mind’ may be defined as ‘coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.’ – Napoleon Hill I’ve enjoyed the power of a Mastermind as a key source of ideas and energy...Oct 20, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business
I’m going to tell you two stories of my most recent major successes. Allow me to paint a picture of what it takes to achieve a goal — or even believe the goal is possible. The story of how I lost almost 30 pounds in 4 months – the Cliffs Notes version: Became...Oct 13, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business
Imagine these two conversations: Conversation A: Jan: Would you like to attend the event with me? Jo: No, thank you. (Polite with a smile). Conversation B: Jan: Would you like to attend the event with me? Jo: I can’t, I’ve got friends coming into town this...Oct 6, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
The thought in my head: “This sounds awesome – I wonder how true it is? I’ll have to google it for product reviews.” The next words of the infomercial: “Want to know what other people think of this product? Check out the 5 star reviews on these major websites.” ...Oct 3, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
If you could wave a magic wand and choose between only one of the following to have firmly in your grasp tomorrow, which would you choose: Flawless execution of all of the latest Internet marketing strategies and tactics? Complete personal clarity and confidence in...