Nov 25, 2014 | BEING in Your Business
I was at an event the other day and a man came up to me and introduced himself. He said he knew me because he was on my newsletter list. He then told me that he was on my list because he loves the concept of Alignment, because that is what he does in his business too....Nov 18, 2014 | Uncategorized
It isn’t easy. A decision so obvious I couldn’t see it. Or perhaps I didn’t want to see it. But I had to kill it. This weekend I killed my longest running, most profitable, highest level revenue stream forever. I wanted to hold on… to keep it running. To nurture it,...Nov 11, 2014 | BEING in Your Business
Whether you want to move your marketing forward without delay, become better organized, or become someone who can ask and receive, sometimes working through a block in your head is a dead end game. I recently spent 2 weeks in London, one of which was spent studying...Nov 5, 2014 | BEING in Your Business
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