I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs now around the world and what I see time and again is that once they break through to the other side and experience some success, they consistently look back and recognize that the signals for this thing they were meant to do...
I’m an opportunity jumper. I am. And I think it sounds bad to say, by the way, but it’s true. Dictionary.com defines opportunity as: a favorable, appropriate, or advantageous combination of circumstances a chance or prospect I was listening to an audio this week, and...
In my private Amplify client retreat this past week, we worked on a 120 day plan for success. I’ve learned that you MUST focus on the FEW bold moves that will propel your business forward, the kind of moves that help you become known out of nowhere, help you quadruple...
I love the concept of the mirror. Understanding the ideas in this article can help you not only be masterful at moving people into possibility and creating transformation on the planet, but can also spur your own personal growth in undeniable ways. Oh, yeah, and...
How to stand firm when they waffle. Last week we looked at what actually happens between the time your prospect gives you a “Yes, but…” (I have to think about it, I have to talk to my spouse, etc.) and when they turn around and decide “no.” I gave you some tips to...