I am on a mission right now. A mission to take back self trust. I’m not saying I know exactly how to do that, but it is a mission worth getting out of bed for if you ask me. I recently did an informal survey of my list, and the biggest trend I found with the people I talked with is waiting. Waiting for another certification. Waiting to test out the thing they want to do a bit more before they actually charge for it. Waiting to build up the right kind of credibility to talk about the stuff they really want to talk about. Waiting for some elusive form of permission. But what people are really waiting for is this. They are waiting to be right. I shared on my recent teleclass, Believe Your Way Rich, the following statement that I’ve got posted proudly at my desk, which you may want to steal – it just may make all of the difference: You’ll never know how right you are until you’ll let yourself be wrong.
See most people are so afraid of being wrong that they aren’t willing to risk putting their perspective out into the world to allow people to form their own opinion. And I have been there as well. I just returned from a trip to visit my family of origin and I got to be back in that energy. I wanted to cover the ears of my nephews to protect them from the criticism that was so pervasive. The general vibe in my household growing up was that no one could do anything right. And coming from that space, one of the easiest things to do is to keep quiet and numb out any intuitions of that which might be right for you. With the pervasiveness of marketing on the internet that tells you the magic formula to follow to do this, that, and the other thing right, it is very easy to numb out and follow the formula, or to stay in ‘waiting’ mode until you finally learn ALL of those things that you should be doing. Yet the marketing that bubbles up when you believe yourself is going to have the most magic and power. On Friday’s call I shared 4 tips for believing your way rich. I’ll highlight them here.
- Come from LOVE
Every decision has an energetic consequence. And every decision is either coming from a place of love or a place of fear. If you are in a place of doubting yourself – whether you are ready to do what you want to do, whether you trust yourself to bring in the clients that you want, etc. – check in as to whether you are operating from a place of love. If you are, then you can have faith that you are doing good in the world and you need to put it into action.
- Decide What You Believe
You will never know everything or be good at everything, and that is actually good news. The most important decisions you can make in business are around what you believe. In today’s world people aren’t just buying your product or service, they are buying into and connecting to your belief, your value system. When you know what this is you know what you are really selling.
- Surround Yourself with Right People
The best decisions I have made in business have to do with surrounding myself with the right people for my growth journey. Shifting my relationship environment has done more for my bottom line business results than anything else. Here are 3 tips for finding “right people.”
- They make you right
If someone is going to criticize you or questions your choices, they are not right people. They do not mean well or want what’s best for you. They want you to stay where you because it makes the feel uncomfortable. (I share in more detail about how to get good feedback on the call).
- They have what you want (or want what you want)
Surround yourself with people who are where you’re going or get where you’re going. In the beginning of my business I created an advisory panel of people who had corporate jobs and no vision for where I was heading. You want to be with like minds. And don’t take good advice from someone who is not on your path, with the actual RESULT that you want.
- They come from love & abundance
If you have fear and scarcity based people in your life, you want to kindly walk away. You can tell this in their conversation – what do they choose to speak about? Look for those who are steeped with an energy of love and a belief in abundance.
- Make Committed Decisions
Successful entrepreneurs make committed decisions. These are decisions with no back door – you are “all in.” Most often for me, these are decisions that require a financial commitment in which I cannot let myself off the hook for doing the thing I really want to do. A true decision is one in which you no longer give yourself the option for it to go any other way.
Immediately following making such a decision, it is inevitable that something will show up to validate your fear. Immediately. It happens every time someone moves toward their big vision. That is why so many businesses fail. And that is why a true committed decision is critical.
I can only touch on these topics in an article. If you want to go deeper, I’ve decided to make the audio of my Believe Your Way rich teleclass available to you today. Here is the link: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=56012196. If you want to go even deeper and give yourself a new experience of self trust and faith, I invite you to join me in Denver for my next Inner Alignment Intensive August 8-10 in Denver. Here’s the link to learn more and register: www.inneralignmentintensive.com