
Hi there, this is Darla and I’m here today with this video blog that’s a little more serious. I want to bring something forward that I just want you to be aware of as someone who’s out there learning and investing in your business and learning how to grow it in the most efficient manner. I was at an event recently where the speaker was sharing some great information and lots of good stories and lots of tips for marketing your business and things like that. The audience was really loving it and then something happened. They started to quiz the audience and they asked, “What’s your opinion on this, what’s your opinion on that,” and getting audience involvement.

There was a show of hands for this and a show of hands for that and then the question came up, “Who doesn’t have an opinion at all about this?” A handful of people raised their hands. All of a sudden, the speaker got really serious and looked at the audience and picked one audience person directly and said, “If you don’t have an opinion about that, you don’t know who the f$%^ you are and you should be worried about that.” I was sitting in the audience and I could feel the tension in the room. I could feel the stress and the panic ripple through the audience, right? I know because one, I’m emphatic. I tend to pick up the energy of people around me.

I could feel that in the room, but I also could feel it because guess what, I have been there. I have been there in an audience just like that before my business was as established as it is. I’ve been there and I felt the fear. I’ve allowed someone to tell me what was wrong with me and I’ve allowed myself to feel bad about it. As you might imagine, the very person that just had the room feeling shitty about themselves then passed out an offer to help them feel less shitty. Fix me, solve the problem because clearly something’s wrong with me. As you might imagine, a lot of people were really anxious to get that problem solved. Now be with that as you will, right?

You may like it, you may hate it, whatever, but here’s what I want to really point out is there are 2 places from which you can make a decision about getting support in your business. I teach a lot about the 7 levels of energy. I’m not going to walk through all 7 of them here, but what I will share is the kind of clumped down, okay. The first 3 levels tend to come from a motivation of fear. The top 4 levels come from a motivation or an energy of love, okay. Fear has to do with a belief in abundance and scarcity, feeling like there’s not enough, you’re not enough, bad things will happen to you, etc., needing to rationalize your existence, some of those fears.

Whereas love comes from a belief in abundance and that you are fundamentally enough. We’re all connected, we’re all doing our very best, all of that, right? Now why is this important? I love being in a room and being offered to. I love when someone passes out an order form and gives me the opportunity to do choose whether I want to do business with them or not. I honestly love it. If you are in business, I want you to learn to love it, because that’s the only way we grow and good for them, right? You never want to make a decision to invest from here, because every decision has an energetic consequence.

If we make a decision to invest in something from a place of fear or inadequacy, I’ll be left out if I don’t do it. I’m not enough on my own and I’m desperate, right? Somebody fix me. That’s a fear-based decision. Whatever energy we’re in when we make the decision permeates that decision. Unless we do some work on releasing and consciously shifting our energy, basically everything about that decision is going to be steeped in fear. You’re going to keep getting more of it. Whereas when you make a decision from a place of love and you see the possibility in it and you’re inspired about who you can become and what’s possible, that energy permeates everything about that decision that you just made. A lot of people buy from here.

One of the reasons is a lot of people sell from here, because it’s much easier to get someone to make a decision from a place of fear sadly than from a place of love. I want to really share that and I want you to understand the consequence of it because it will make a huge difference for you and your business if each decision you make is coming from a place of love. You’re more aped to make the next decision from a place of love. Your business just starts to really expand exponentially based on that. Now the issue comes in is sometimes we don’t know. Sometimes we might see a possibility for expansion and then there’s also a fear going on and so we can get a little confused about that, right?

The goal is you really want to learn how to discern when you’re coming from love and when you’re coming from fear. Do you remember I mentioned the feeling in the audience of that clenched stomach and like the tension in the audience? That’s fear. That’s never love, okay? You can start there. Pay attention to the physical sensations in your body when you know you’re feeling fear as opposed to when you’re feeling love and you also just have that excitement, right? That excited nervousness going on. You really will start to notice the difference. I once heard one of my mentors say, “Spirit never speaks through fear.” If you really think about that, that’s true. So when Spirit is calling you forward into an opportunity. It’s okay to be scared and nervous. I’ve invested a ton of my business and I’ve always a bit nervous, but that’s very different than investing because you’re afraid of what will happen if you don’t. Totally different thing and I have done both, okay. I just wanted to bring this topic forward so you can raise your consciousness on this as you move forward in your business and continue to invest and grow from a place of love. This is Darla LeDoux with Aligned Entreprenuers and we’ll see you next week.

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