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This is such an exciting time for intuition. I think people more and more are understanding that they have inner guidance and that they don’t need to be so quick to look outside of themselves to get answers. And so, we really do have that wisdom inside of us. It’s just that most people have lost that connection or that ability to hear it and perceive it, take action on it and feel confident about it.

– Manda Stack

Darla LeDoux:  Hello and welcome to today’s episode of Retreat And Grow Rich, the podcast. I’m Darla LeDoux. I am your host of this podcast and I’m here today with Manda Stack. Welcome Manda! 

Manda Stack:  Hello. Hi, Darla. Hi everyone.

Darla LeDoux:  Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! So I asked Manda to be here because she is amazing and brilliant at helping us drop into our intuition. And in this episode, she is going to provide you with some guidance and some of her own stories of what it’s taken to really trust that intuition as a retreat leader. And we’re going to talk about her recent retreat as well.

But first, let me tell you a little bit about Manda. So after 23 years in ordained ministry, Manda took the big leap into full time work as a professional intuitive coach, retreat leader and energy clearing practitioner. She’s passionate about helping others trust and follow their intuition to take inspired action and live the lives they dream about. Manda empowers people to become masters of their own decision making. She clears their connection to divine source so that they can live in freedom, abundance, and joy. Well, that sounds amazing!

Manda Stack:  Thank you. Yes.

Darla LeDoux:  Yes, so let’s get some of that freedom and joy on this conversation today, shall we?

Manda Stack:  All right, yes.

Darla LeDoux:  Love it. So Manda, I’m sure people are curious just from hearing your bio, how did you go from ordained ministry to energy clearing? Can you talk a little bit about that?

Manda Stack:  Sure, sure. I’ve always been intuitive and very sensitive, but many years I didn’t really have a word for it. I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I was definitely very aware of energy. And especially in my work as a pastor and being with people in times that were just very hard for some people, deaths or deathbed experiences, there were times when I would sense another presence in the room and things like that. And I didn’t really know how to share about that or talk about it, so I just kept it to myself. When someone would transition, when they would pass away, it would be a very holy experience. And I was really honored to have been included in that. And this happened enough times where I needed to do some research on my own. And so, I went down the rabbit hole of “What is this?” Certainly, I had a deep faith-

Darla LeDoux:  When you said go down the rabbit hole, do you mean Google search?

Manda Stack:  Yes, Google search, books, reading about energy, energy work. I learned about things that were outside the mainstream Christian realm, which I was firmly rooted in. I learned about things like Reiki, which is a type of energy work, the chakra system, which is more an Eastern philosophy. And it all made so much sense to me. So I just privately undertook this individual private study on my own, independent study. And yeah, it definitely led me down the rabbit hole. Just some amazing topics and it gave me more of a sense of what I was experiencing. And I still didn’t quite know how to talk about it in the context of my work as a pastor, but I was so interested and inspired by it that I just kept learning, and I would take some workshops and classes just to grow my own understanding about it.

Darla LeDoux:  What was that like, Manda? Being in the Christian faith and standing on the pulpit every Sunday and sharing messages while learning all these other things that maybe, I’m guessing, didn’t seem like they fit in with the message? What was that like for you?

Manda Stack:  It was confusing and challenging, but also there were glimmers of, I don’t know, I might call them God moments, where maybe a church member would pull me aside and want to tell me that they had consulted a medium to connect with their relative who’d passed. So I knew that even though we were in the mainline Christian church, that other people had questions and other people were exploring some of these realms that were outside the main framework of our religion. So that gave me permission to speak a little bit more about what I was learning, and I was pleasantly surprised at some of the receptivity I was met within the church.

Darla LeDoux:  Did you ever talk about it from the pulpit, or was it more in individual conversations when you felt intuitively that the energy was right?

Manda Stack:  Many of them were more one-on-one conversations. I did, after I received my certification and energy clearing, and I was open about that in the church. I would tell the church members I was going to be gone for a week on vacation. And I say, “Well, I’m off to do some training and energy clearing.” And they’re like, “Okay!” And they supported me. They didn’t really understand it, but they didn’t put up any obstacles or roadblocks. 

So when I came back from having my certification and I started working with clients on the side, I wanted to share with my church a bit more about what it was I was doing. So I presented a program within the church on energy clearing for your home, and what that meant and why someone would want that. And it was the most well attended event we had.

Darla LeDoux:  Wow! 

Manda Stack:  Yeah, this was a regular monthly event where people would put on different programs about different topics, so, I decided I’d just give it a try and see how it went. And again, pleasantly surprised at people’s receptivity and their questions that they asked and the stories that they shared about their own encounters with energy work, and just that whole realm, angels or special messengers. It gave us permission to speak more freely about those things.

Darla LeDoux:  Hmmm. And had you ever taught one of those classes before? On a different topic? Different church?

Manda Stack:  I did! I did a few different-

Darla LeDoux:  But more people came to your energy clearing?

Manda Stack:  Yes. More people came to see, “What is she talking about?” Okay, this is not a Bible study, this is something different. Let’s see what she’s going to do here. Yeah, and it’s funny because it was usually a women’s group. It was the women’s fellowship group that would meet, but they opened it up to men and a whole bunch of men came too.

Darla LeDoux:  Wow. I love that perspective that within the framework of the church that there is a lot of curiosity, a lot of interest, people are doing their own self-study. And what was the pivot point for you that had you decide, you know what, it’s time to leave?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, so… It was an organic thing. I think I had been wanting to work differently with people for a while. There were so many things about my work as a pastor that I loved, and there were many things that felt burdensome and challenging. And as I was growing my energy clearing work on the side and working with clients, I became more and more aware of that disconnect. There were some things in the church that I love doing, but I wasn’t doing enough of those things to really fulfill me as much as it used to.

So it was kind of a slow, growing process of becoming more aware of that. It wasn’t an easy decision at all to leave the church and the people that I loved and had a strong connection with, but it was the right decision and the decision to take this big leap into this new direction actually felt very similar to when I was initially called to be a pastor. I’m just feeling called in a new direction now and it does feel divinely led and guided.

Darla LeDoux:  Wow. How were you called to be a pastor?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, so I grew up in the church. I grew up in the United Church of Christ denomination, which is a very open minded church, and I really came to appreciate that. Especially as I grew older and went off to college and explored some other religions and churches, and came back around to this church denomination really fits who I am and fits my values as far as progressiveness and taking stands on social justice issues. I always felt a real connection with this particular type of Christianity. And I know that so many other people have different experiences growing up in a church, alienating or hurtful experiences. I’m well aware of that, and I feel very blessed that, from the start, I was nurtured in a church that was very loving and open minded.

I remember my very first retreat that I ever attended was actually a church retreat when I was 14 years old. And it was for our confirmation weekend getaway at a camp. And it was actually a birds and the bees retreat. It was a retreat on human sexuality that our church did for many years. And they saw it as a such an important piece of caring for the youth of the church that they put together this thoughtful retreat. So I was nurtured in this beautiful energy of the church where they encouraged us to use our minds and to be embodied and empowered and ask questions and stand up for people who were being hurt.

So yeah, I went off to college and as I explored these other religions and churches, I did really come back around to – The United Church of Christ is my home. And there was a campus minister at the time, a female, and I had actually never encountered a female minister before. I got involved in the campus ministry there and shadowed her and watched her and helped her plan programs and really found that I loved doing that in that setting. And she said to me, “You know, Manda, you might have some gifts for pastoral ministry yourself.” And I remember being completely shocked actually when she said that. Like, “Me? What? I couldn’t do that!” It just seemed like such a huge responsibility and beyond my ability to even comprehend it. But the seed was planted, and through the years in college and working in the campus ministry, I felt more and more affirmed in that possibility. And so, I felt the call to ministry, I really did. And it was interesting that, at the time that I was called to ministry, I was looking at different seminaries because in our denomination we need to go get a master’s degree, and have a good grounding in that, before we are leaders in the church as pastors.

So, at that time, I had, actually, quite a debilitating fear of public speaking, ironically. So how is this going to work? I remember having conversations with God. How is this going to work? I’m supposed to stand up in front of people in the church and, [laughing] do what? I remember being in this literature class, and it was just a small class, and we were going around the room. We were sitting in a circle and we were each reading stanzas of a poem, and it was getting closer and closer to me and my turn to read, and I was having a panic attack. I couldn’t breathe and the room was going to dark just reading four sentences from a book. That’s how debilitating my fear was, about speaking in public.

And, actually, I still went to seminary even with this crazy issue that I had because the joy that I felt about the possibilities of serving in the church outweighed that fear. I trusted that God would help me work it out.

Darla LeDoux:  That’s amazing! 

Manda Stack:  Yeah. And so, slowly I overcame that and work through that fear and was able to easily lead groups of people and stand up in the pulpit and preach.

Darla LeDoux:  Wow. So if anyone here is feeling the pull to lead retreats, but they are afraid of being in front of the room, what advice would you have for them?

Manda Stack:  Well, first of all, I feel you. I mean, it really is real, isn’t it? I think the fear of speaking in public is ranked even greater than the fear of death for some. So I get it and I get that how debilitating it can be and how it can stop you. My advice I guess would be to take it slowly and do what you can. Gather in groups that are maybe not as difficult or intimidating, or ease your way into it in smaller groups. And just practice, keep doing it. It really does get easier over time. You feel more confident and the words flow easier. And if you’re meant to do it, you will get that guidance and that assistance.

Darla LeDoux:  Beautiful. So Manda, let’s talk a little bit about how you combine these different gifts you have and the different training and all of the research that you’ve done into your work. The energy clearing, you know a lot about a specific type of personality typing, we’ll call it, along with coaching and leading retreats. Talk a little bit about how you combine those and really what you’re hoping for a client that hires you.

Manda Stack:  Yeah, so I think this is such an exciting time for intuition. I think people more and more are understanding that they have inner guidance and that they don’t need to be so quick to look outside of themselves to get answers. And so, we really do have that wisdom inside of us. It’s just that most people have lost that connection or that ability to hear it, and perceive it, take action on it, and feel confident about it.

My work with people is two fold. Because I am highly intuitive, I’m able to pick up on things about people and present that to them, and help them see what’s going on that that might not be immediately available to them. And at the same time, I am really passionate about helping other people claim their own intuitive abilities. I don’t want intuition to be a word that anyone’s afraid of talking about out loud. I want it to be a beautiful word. Just like what you’re doing with transformation. You want it to be a normal, everyday, exciting part of life. And that’s my goal for intuition.

When people work with me, I help people with certain techniques and ways that they can grow their intuitive muscles. And often, the way that we do that is just through decision making because I think decisions are the foundation of life, and we make so many decisions a day. And if you’re able to rely on your inner wisdom to make those decisions, especially smaller decisions. If you’re able to make decisions like, “Oh, what am I going to wear this morning?” Or, “Should I accept this person’s friend request on Facebook?”, just those little everyday things, if we can trust ourselves and confidently make decisions and move forward with those little things, then we will be much better equipped to make those decisions that are bigger when they come to us, decisions about our relationship or about moving or about career.

Darla LeDoux:  I love that, and I love that vision of intuition being a normal thing that we talk about. As you know, my background as an engineer, it wasn’t a real acceptable answer to say, “I just intuitively feel that we should go this route.” Okay, great. Where’s your spreadsheet? Here’s your graphs and charts? What test run have you done about this? Which there’s a place for that, testing your way into something, but for me, I was always so impatient. Like, “Isn’t it obvious that this is the answer?” So it wasn’t talked about, intuition was never a part of the conversation. So I love that mission.

Manda Stack:  Yeah!

Darla LeDoux:  Manda, tell me about your retreat you led recently. And we’re going to talk a little bit about intuition in practice in terms of how you were able to rely on your intuition in leading your retreat. And then, you’re going to give some advice for people on how to bring their own intuition in as retreat leaders. But how did this retreat come to be, first of all?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, I was actually invited to fill in for the leader of a retreat who needed to go on medical leave. And this was a church women’s retreat that had a long history of, like, 25 years. Every fall they would go away to camp and have a retreat for a weekend. And so, about six weeks before this scheduled retreat, the retreat leader was not able to do it. And so, the church knew that I had recently taken this big leap and was actually focusing on retreats. So they reached out to me and asked if I would step in. And I thought that was another divine gift. I was really honored that they thought of me. And so, I said yes. And they said, “Okay, you get to plan that spiritual content, the theme, it’s all yours.” They had everything else set up already. So in some ways it was a beautiful way for me to…

Darla LeDoux:  Retreat leaders dream.

Manda Stack:  Yeah! Yes, all the lodging and meals and logistics were all set up. All I had to do was show up. Well, I had to do a lot of planning beforehand, but show up and lead the content parts of the retreat. So I put together a theme called ‘Divine Guidance and Grace’, and it was based on one of my personal favorite scriptures from the Old Testament, from Psalm 46, where the verse says, “Be still and know that I am God.” And I put a lot of thought into why I wanted that theme because I was thinking about the women that would be coming. I was thinking about, just the state of the world, and the nation, and challenges that we’re all facing and stress in people’s lives and families. And also knowing that the church was sad that their original leader wasn’t able to be with them. This was actually their pastor who had to go on medical leave. So there was that dynamic and that concern. So I wanted to create a theme in a container where we could be still with our emotions, with our thoughts, with God, with one another, and just sink into that, and be together in that community. So I gladly stepped in and filled in with that. And I have to say when our retreat leader plans a retreat, it’s the theme is also very much for the retreat leader.

Darla LeDoux:  Yes.

Manda Stack:  I experienced that firsthand in some really amazing ways. So “be still” was a theme. I put that theme out there and then I spent time working toward it. What is this going to look like? What are the exercises? What are my teaching points? And it was the perfect theme for myself, and for the women that were there. So leading up to the retreat, this was probably about a week before the retreat, I was praying. I really wanted God’s guidance on this big decision that I was making, and I prayed for God to speak to me.

That’s what I said, “God, I’d like to hear your voice. I’d like you to speak to me.” And about 30 seconds later, and at the time I was listening to Pandora Radio. It was on this spa radio, or massage music, just this background, lovely music. And 30 seconds after I said that prayer, a hymn came on this station, and this was not a religious station, and it was one of my favorite hymns. The hymn is “Be still my soul. The Lord is on thy side. Wait patiently.” And for this hymn to pop on my station at that particular moment, I just burst into tears. And I said, “Okay, I hear you, God. Be still.” Of all songs to come on.

Darla LeDoux:  Wow.

Manda Stack:  Be still, my soul. So that was an affirmation for me personally, but also that this retreat was going to be a powerful one.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah. And it was that the question you were asking about, about the retreat?

Manda Stack:  No, it was about whether I should write a book right now or not.

Darla LeDoux:  Ah, [laughing] so how’d you interpret that?

Manda Stack:  I interpreted it back-

Darla LeDoux:  Putting you on the spot.

Manda Stack:  Yeah, well, that I didn’t get an immediate answer, yes or no, but that God was with me as I was in that decision making process.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah.

Manda Stack:  And that was actually huge because I felt unmoored and alone, and should I or shouldn’t I? And what should I do God? And God came right back and said, “I got you. Be still, it’s okay. I’m here by your side.”

Darla LeDoux:  As you know, I’m speaking more and more about what I call being sourced, which is really allowing spirit to work through us, which our intuition is that connection. And the more I’ve been speaking to that and the more I’ve been in my own experience of it, often the answer is “be still”.

Manda Stack:  That’s so true.

Darla LeDoux:  We want it so fast, right? Our society moves at warp speed. And so, we think that if we don’t have the answer immediately, it’s a problem.

Manda Stack:  Very well said. That’s so true. And we’re so distracted a lot of the time that we don’t take the time to carve out some “still time”.

Darla LeDoux:  So how did that theme play out for you on retreat?

Manda Stack:  Oh, my gosh. It was beautiful! Personally powerful, and I think for the women there too. Another little crazy thing that happened as I was driving up to this retreat center, which is in the North woods of Wisconsin, I didn’t really know my way there, so I was using my phone to navigate. And I was about an hour South, about an hour away, and my phone completely died. Even though it had 85% charge, it was fine. It just stopped. I pressed all the buttons. I tried to hard reboot it, nothing. And I’m like, okay, I’m not going to panic. And I’m like, “God, this is an interesting curious thing.” So I don’t know what happened with the phone, but I thankfully found a visitor center and they printed out a Google map for me to the rest of the way. But my phone was dead when I arrived at the retreat center and I thought “This is very symbolic. This is another layer of being invited into stillness, and not going to the automatic checking your phone or looking things up just like so many of us do out of habit.” It’s like, okay, set that aside, and try not to worry about it. It’ll be alright. You’ll be able to find your way home, I think. Eventually later on, a day later, I pushed more buttons and it popped back on and I was able to recharge it, and said a prayer of thanks, and on we go. But that was interesting timing.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah, disconnecting.

Manda Stack:  Yeah, all these interesting lessons. And the stillness in the retreat, itself, I think it was perfect. It was needed. It really helped the women to sink into the time, and the space, and the community that we are creating there. Even though most of the women were from the same church, many of them either didn’t know each other or were only acquainted with each other. So it was an opportunity for them to connect and get to know each other on deeper levels, that would play out even after we were done with the retreat. These new sustaining friendships and connections that were happening.

Darla LeDoux:  What’s it like coming in as an outsider into a group that many of them knew each other and they were expecting a different leader?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, well, I named that. I named it up front. I thought it was very important to do that, that this wasn’t the original plan. I’m honored to be here with you, and we trust that God is very much present and we will get what we need out of this time. I did spend time, deliberate time, that first night we were together, helping the group create a covenant together about how they wanted to be in their time together.

Darla LeDoux:  I love that. We do agreements, but I love the idea of a covenant.

Manda Stack:  Mmm-hmm. Covenant is a good church word, right?

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah

Manda Stack:  Yeah, it means agreement, is how we are going to be together. And so, I was really deliberate in creating time for them to make that and own it for themselves. So I said, “What do you want? How do you want to be together?” And I would write down their answers. I even elicited some things, like I jokingly said, “So I’m assuming there are some introverts here. What do you need in this covenant?” And right away one of the extroverts jumped in before the introvert could talk and said, “Oh, what about us extroverts?” So we had fun with that and I said, “Don’t worry, I’ll come to you in a minute. But first we want to make sure everyone is heard.” And so, the introverts laughed about that and said, “Oh, we need some quiet time. We need to be respected if we’re off by ourselves,” just naming some of that. And then, the extroverts said, “Oh, we need fun. We need some interaction.” So it was good for the group to hear one another, and hear what they all needed, and so that we could all hold that together as an intention for each other.

Darla LeDoux:  Beautiful. Is there anything else you want to share about that retreat experience? I want to transition, Manda, to intuition and how to help people bring intuition alive in their retreat for themselves, for their clients, how do they look at the energy of the space? Some of those things that I know you know, that are second nature, that not everybody has studied and is aware of.

Manda Stack:  Great, yes.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah, and maybe you have some things that you did on your retreat to help with the energy, both your own and setting the space for clients. Well, I think, let’s take it back a step. What do you want people to be aware of in terms of the energy of the retreat?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, one of the things I was particularly mindful of throughout the retreat was helping people move from their heads into their hearts and bodies. Because so often we are in our minds with our judgments, either about ourselves, or other people, or the environment, and we get stuck in our heads. But the intuition can really be heard best if we’re fully embodied and grounded in our bodies.

So one of the things that I did throughout the retreat at different times was have these little pauses where I invited people to breathe and to come back, to come into their bodies. Each morning, I would do a little movement type of thing where I’d invite people to stand up and move and be present and shake or stomp their feet and do some deep breathing to physically feel inside of themselves, to really be present in their body so that they could have a more full experience of time on retreat, and not be so caught up in thinking, or worrying, or planning.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah. In that audience, it depends on someone’s audience, but I know I’ll actually go back. For myself, when hosting business retreats, there was a point where I was trained as a Kundalini yoga teacher. And Kundalini does a lot of breath and specific movements to shift certain energies. And honestly, I don’t remember all of them anymore because I haven’t been practicing. But at that time, we would do a lot of the movements on retreat. And I remember feeling so nervous to have people do these strange things because we don’t shake and stomp, and that’s not what you do in public. So how do you help introduce that?

Manda Stack:  Mmm-hmm. I agree with you. It’s out of the norm. There was, I’d say, a level already of safety and trust in the group where they were willing to go with me. They were willing to try it. And yeah, I’m not sure.

Darla LeDoux:  They just trusted you.

Manda Stack:  They trusted me. Yeah, they were all in.

Darla LeDoux:  Awesome. So as the leader, if you want to optimize being in your own intuitive power, because there’s a lot of decisions to make even if you aren’t making the decisions to set up the retreat, but you have to decide, do we take a break now? Do we keep going? Do I answer this question? Do I hold the question? A lot of decisions. What advice do you have for someone to really optimize their connection to intuition on retreat?

Manda Stack:  Oh, that’s a huge piece of retreat leadership, isn’t it? And I learned, firsthand, in a big way with this retreat. But yes, there are a lot of decisions that need to be made before, during, in the moment. So I found myself a lot of the time “feeling into the energy of the group,” what wanted to happen. And that meant not getting caught up in one person’s story necessarily, and allowing that to take over, but just holding a wider space for the whole group.

And I always felt, I still feel, like anytime you get together like that, in a group, there’s the energy of you, the leader, there’s the energy of the group, the participants, but there’s also this third energy that we might call “source”, or spirit, that is also very much a part of the mix. So I felt myself pausing and feeling into that, checking with myself if it was right to go on or to hold the question. I’d say my main piece of advice around that would be to, it’s okay to slow down and to pause, to not rush to the next thing, to create space for yourself to hear what might want to be next in the retreat for the good of the group.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah, I love that advice. This question came up in our last retreat with retreat leader clients where I’ll tend to pause and ask my gut, “Is it this, is it this, should I go this way or that way?” And I just do that in front of the room. And someone had asked, well, if you were in a different group, how would you do that? And just along your mission of having intuition be normalized, what if we didn’t have to apologize for that? We think we have to have an answer all the time, right away. Well, where did that rule come from?

Manda Stack:  Yes.

Darla LeDoux:  And so, by pausing and checking in, you’re demonstrating to people there is another way of leading.

Manda Stack:  Yeah, and another little trick that I would do was when I paused, I would invite the whole group to just pause and breathe with me. And in that moment, I would get a little more clarity. It’s like all of us were making space for what wanted to happen next. It wasn’t just me holding that responsibility or that space.

Darla LeDoux:  That’s really beautiful.

Manda Stack:  Yeah, let’s all pause and take a breath right now and just, ahhh, and then you could feel the shift of the room and the people and the invitation to whatever would be next.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah, so I know a lot of times people’s intuition speaks to them in different ways, and it can be really subtle and we may not trust it. We may think, well, that’s a weird thing, or that has nothing to do with this. And for me personally, the more I’ve learned to trust the weird things, the more interesting life is. So we’ll just go back to the retreat idea, in that pause, and let’s say the group is breathing, and you’re feeling into your energy, the group energy, and that third mind, how might intuition show up?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, people receive intuition in different ways. And like you said, sometimes it seems like it doesn’t fit, or it’s not what you would expect or plan. In fact, I think that’s often how intuition does show up. It shows up in surprising ways, so learning to trust that. People have different ways of receiving intuition. Like some people see a vision or a scene in front of them. Some people feel movement in their stomach or their solar plexus area. Some people hear phrases or words. There’s different ways. And the key to any of that, no matter how you receive your intuitive hits on your intuitive information, is to trust, to trust it, and make some space for it. Intuition often does speak to us quickly. It’s like a flash and then it’s gone or your mind takes over and says, what was that? And dah, dah, dah. So part of learning to perceive and trust your intuition is to pay attention to even those little fleeting snippets of information that come to you.

Darla LeDoux:  Beautiful. And then, when we think about that energy that I keep thinking the third mind, the idea of the mastermind, when two or more come together. But that third energy, is there anything that you do with your energy clearing tools to keep that energy clear?

Manda Stack:  Yes, inviting it. I think, and I speak in God language, so I’ll say that I pray. I pray for guidance at the start of the day and throughout the retreat. I pray for support and trust that I get it. So in intuitive language, that might mean asking for help, asking if you’re someone who works with spirit guides or angels, you can ask them for assistance. And just like you said, that third mind, that other presence in the room is there to support and help and it can be counted on.

Darla LeDoux:  It can be counted on. Be still and know. Beautiful. 

So Manda, where do you think, if you could wave a magic wand and have the world ‘get’ intuition, just get it, what would be different?

Manda Stack:  Oh, what a beautiful question. Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine what a wonderful, fun, respectful, kind world it would be? Wow. Because we would all be in our own knowing. We would all be in our own energy, and centered and grounded and of service to others. We would have clarity about what we’re here to do in the world and how we’re here to serve. We’d be operating out of joy and freedom and connection.

Darla LeDoux:  I’ve heard it in a few things, that you’ve shared this thread of what I’ll call ‘social justice’ as an underpinning to what’s important to you. It would be a fun, kind, respectful world. And you mentioned that when you talked about the church and really the beliefs of the United Church of Christ being caring about really the impact in the world. And I can see that that’s striking a cord. What do you want to share about that piece?

Manda Stack:  Ah, thank you. Yeah, I’m getting a little emotional as you’re talking about that. There’s so much hurt in the world. There’s so many people suffering. I think anyone who is at all aware knows that things are at a crisis point for many people, and groups of people who’ve been marginalized.

Darla LeDoux:  Yes.

Manda Stack:  And it’s a time of great shifts in our world. So I think that this work that anyone does as a leader needs to be work of healing and connection, and helping people be their most authentic selves, and allow those without a voice to have a voice, and share their voice, and be part of the conversation. And that is very strongly rooted in my faith and in how I understand the scriptures. And that’s a key value in my work as the pastor, and now as an intuitive transformational leader.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah, how would intuition as the norm help level the playing field for groups who have been marginalized?

Manda Stack:  Yeah, if people were able to confidently hear and perceive and take action on their own truth and not be shut down, and have space to be heard, I think that could really transform our communities and our world.

Darla LeDoux:  Beautiful. Thank you, Manda.

Manda Stack:  Thank you, Darla.

Darla LeDoux:  Yeah, so how can people work with you?

Manda Stack:  I love working with people and providing energy clearings, which helps bring balance to their system. And I often get intuitive information as I’m doing energy clearings for people and offer that. It’s amazing work. And I also do home energy clearings to bring balance to the people’s homes, because so many times we come home from being out in the world and we just want to relax and have a place of respite. But if things are not in balance in our home, it’s hard to really relax and get rejuvenated at home. So an energy clearing can really do wonders for that as well. And I offer intuitive readings for people to look under the hood of what might be going on in life, especially if they’re at some sort of crossroads in career, or relationship, or life.

Darla LeDoux:  Yes, and you have a free guide for people.

Manda Stack:  I do! I spoke a bit earlier about decisions and how integral they are to our lives. So I created a decision making guide so that people can learn some different techniques to get out of their head and stop overthinking or stop putting off decisions because they don’t really know what to do or how to make them. So there’s seven techniques in this free decision-making guide, different ways that you can access your inner wisdom and hear your truth and make those decisions. Because anytime we have a decision that’s hanging over our head that’s unmade, that we know we need to make, it can be really draining, very draining on our energy. It just hangs there, pulls at us energetically.

Darla LeDoux:  So if someone has a decision they’d been avoiding, this can help with that?

Manda Stack:  Oh, my goodness, yes! Please download my guide and get your clarity and make that decision and move on with your life.

Darla LeDoux:  Yes, I love it. Guys, you can find that guide at

Thank you so much, Manda, for your time, your energy for being here and for who you are in the world and it’s just an honor and a pleasure to share you.

Manda Stack:  Oh, Darla, this was a real treat. Thank you and thank all the listeners out there. What a great conversation. Thank you.

Darla LeDoux:  Thanks everyone! See you on the next episode!

Have you been called to integrate retreats into the way you do business?

Are you a coach, consultant, creative, or healer who tends to be on the cutting edge with the way you work? Are you ready to integrate transformation into your offerings in a way that your clients get better results, faster, all while you simplify and leverage your time?

If so, it might be time to start leading transformational retreats. Transformational retreats are only going to get more popular as our world gets busier, and more and more people are opting to invest in experience and transformation over stuff and information.

If you’re a part of that shift and you want your live experiences to get traction now get our five-part starter kit today.

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