Whether you want to move your marketing forward without delay, become better organized, or become someone who can ask and receive, sometimes working through a block in your head is a dead end game.
I recently spent 2 weeks in London, one of which was spent studying physical techniques for moving energy, based in Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong. I studied under the one and only Maya Fiennes. Maya has studied the mind-body connection extensively, and is masterful at teaching practical movements that shift your energy in a way that makes a real difference in your real life.
I worked with Maya to create a special 6-minute routines to address one of the biggest problems I see among my tribe – procrastination due to a mental pattern or block that keeps you second guessing your next move, and blocking opportunity.
In this video you will get out of your head, release any anger, put the past in the past, block any forces that have previously tried to stop you, and shift your ego out of the way, so you are clear and present to make your next move.
I recommend doing this sequence each morning for 7 days and watch what happens
I’d love to hear your comments! Maya can be found at MayaSpace.com
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