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Today’s guest, Kris Prochaska, saw a big problem with modern psychology.

Her focus on diagnosing solutions (rather than problems, as she was taught to do) eventually lead her to human design. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what that is, we’ll dig into it during this fascinating episode!   

Kris’ 20+ combined years of experience as a therapist and business consultant help her laser right to the root of an issue and provide her clients effective and practical solutions. Maybe it’s because she prefers cowboy boots to heels, but she’s been described as an intuitive sharp-shooter who knows exactly what an individual or company needs to eliminate AND do more of in order to bring them into alignment for greater purpose, productivity, & profit.

Her 2015 TED talk has over 100k views, and while she spoke about ‘how to get your kids to listen & engage’, the principles hold true in business as well. Kris is also a TEDx speaking coach and the author of Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper.

During our chat, Kris provides an overview of human design and why it’s so critical to retreat leaders and business owners. I’ll also share my own experience with it, and how it took me from crying in the middle of a retreat, to fully aligned.  

We dig into:

  • The problem with Myers Briggs and DISC tests
  • How to get your human design chart for free (Jovian Archive)
  • What kind of information we can learn from our human design
  • How to read your chart and understand the mechanics of it
  • Why it’s crucial for retreat leaders to understand their human design
  • The different authorities of the body and how to tell when you’re receiving a message

Kris also talks about how different human design types (Generators, Projectors (Advisors), Manifestors, and Reflectors) may react during retreats. She explains which ones will need more rest and recuperation, which ones are likely to keep powering through, and which ones should focus on planning shorter programs.

To find the Align Your Design Success Mantra, to help you stay aligned as you build your business, head over here. This is a must have regardless of if you’re a human design novice or pro!

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Links Mentioned

Visit Kris’ Website

Enroll in Retreat And Grow Rich Virtual

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