As you may have heard (and you are the first to know!), I just opened enrollment into my new RETREAT AND GROW RICH program, and it is a game changer.
Get all the details HERE.
Retreat and Grow Rich is a 7 module comprehensive program for you to bring in loads of the right clients for you at one time, so you can make more money and streamline your business, so you can get your work into the world.
No more endless strategy sessions, and no more limiting your choices in life based on money! You can say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that resonates for you because you know exactly how to generate income.
This program provides step-by-step guidance to develop a signature retreat that you can fill time and again to fill your business with Ideal Clients. It includes outlines and content templates that you can plug and play with, sample hotel contracts and a venue selection cheat sheet, in depth exercises to help you get magnetic clarity about the marketing message for your retreat (and your business), and how to craft your unique profit strategy that works with your tribe. (And much more…)
In just 7 weeks you can have your first retreat on the books and know how to fill it (or get it full for my Type A’s out there!)
This program will provide high-level strategy and insight based on my nearly 5 years of hosting retreats that have earned me between $36,000 and $140,000 in just 2 ½ days, with a much smaller investment than a big event. The seasoned entrepreneur can revamp their strategy to simplify!
It is also appropriate for someone just out of the gate. I did my first retreat when I was making about $2500/ month in my business with a handful of clients I had painstakingly attracted, and I jumped to $10K/ month immediately after my first retreat, and never looked back.
It would be my honor to be your guide to help you develop this strategy and put it into action in just two short months.
Here is the link again so you can learn about Retreat and Grow Rich: How to add 6 figures in revenue a year to your business by hosting small retreats, and see if it is right for you.
There comes a time when you’re ready to stop trying to do 18 different strategies to build your business, and laser in on one that works for you. Retreats can simplify everything, so you can take charge of your cash flow once and for all.
Let your right clients see you.