One of the biggest things I see and hear when connecting with entrepreneurs is that many of them are dissatisfied with their offers, and time and time again they get stuck and fall short of their desired outcomes.

Does this sound familiar?

What if you instead could confidently say that you are absolutely in love with every service you offer? Everything you output is perfectly in alignment with who you are and what you are offering, and your ideal clientele is pouring in. You are clear on your rates and prices, you feel good about what you are charging across the board. You know exactly how to package and market your services in a way that speaks your truth and highlights your unique gifts so you can quit thinking and re-thinking what you do with every step.

It’s time to make this a reality.

I want each and every one of you to embody this in your business every single day. That’s why I’ve created the Packaged for Profit Summit!

This Telesummit gets behind the scenes with thriving business owners who have not just created money, but they have done it in a way that SERVES THEM and SERVES THEIR CLIENTS!

This FREE, week-long event brings you successful, inspiring entrepreneurs who are living in alignment and have created their offerings in a way that really lets their unique genius to shine.

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to go behind the scenes with business owners like:

  • Kendall SummerHawk (killer live events, coach certification programs, and more!)
  • Suzanne Evans (she’s the queen of “verticals” that serve her ideal client’s every desire!)
  • Natalie Sisson (the “Suitcase Entrepreneur” who went virtual and hasn’t gone back!)
  • Pat Mussieux (rebuilt from nothing after divorce, moving across the country, etc.)
  • Jennifer Bourn(uses technology to majorly support her clients AFTER the sale)

Join us and get inspired. Hear the real stories of what was scary, what took great courage, and the journeys undertaken in order to make active offerings more valuable and more efficient!

These interviews will take place the week of November 12th, 2012. Click here for more information and to reserve your free spot!


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