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For somebody who’s running a business or leading retreats, you ought to be an optimal health so that you can hold that space for the people who are coming to get that which you are offering.
– Dr Davia Shepherd
Darla LeDoux: Hello and welcome to Retreat and Grow Rich: The Podcast. This is Darla LeDoux. I am the host of this amazing podcast and I’m super excited to bring to you the fabulous Davia Shepherd. Hi, Davia.
Davia Shepherd: Hello, Darla.
Darla LeDoux: Thank you for being here. If you have ever thought that you would love to live a healthier, longer, quality filled life, but that somehow the traditional methods haven’t worked, or they don’t seem to go far enough, then you and Dr Davia are of the same mindset. Dr Davia Shepherd is the founder and CEO of Power Transformations, a breakthrough platform that dares to look at health and wellness completely differently. Her focus is on what ideal optimal health looks like for you and then, using state-of-the-art tools and gold standard processes, a customized solution is made specifically for you. She believes that having your ideal weight, size, energy levels, physical health and mental sharpness is absolutely possible. Not only now, but well into our nineties.
“We do not have to decline as we get older” is one of her favorite sayings. Instead of a one size fits all approach, her proven four step protocol gets outstanding individualized results now and as you gracefully age. So Dr Davia has a background that… I’m going to have you talk a little bit about your background, Davia and how you came to create Power Transformations, and really be a stand for optimal health. Tell us a little bit about your journey through the healthcare system that brought you to where you are today.
Davia Shepherd: I started out… Let me go back to when I was born. No, just kidding. I started out thinking that I was going to really, really make a difference in healthcare. My dad was a super smart guy, and he came up with some things that, in my opinion, revolutionized his field. And at a very young age, he asked me what my contribution to the world was going to be. I was six.
Darla LeDoux: No pressure.
Davia Shepherd: I know, right? Going forward, I feel like that’s always stuck with me and I felt like I had to do something important. So, when it was time to make career decisions, I ended up going into the medical research area and I started out working for Big Pharma for many, many years. And I always liked to really let people know that drugs are great.
Darla LeDoux: Awesome.
Davia Shepherd: Listen, if you are in an acute care situation, you definitely want to have drugs and you want to have surgery available to you. But I feel like the missing piece is that we very often misuse or overuse some of the things that are available to us. And so, we don’t necessarily get the best benefit. And I had a personal experience with a pharmaceutical company that I worked for. I had a crisis of conscience, Darla, and I had to say goodbye to that life and go back to school to learn actual patient care. And a holistic option seemed like the right way to go after all these many, many years with the traditional allopathic model. And so, that’s how I came to have a holistic practice. And retreats were the next step.
Darla LeDoux: So, you were working in pharmaceuticals and what was, without necessarily sharing any details that don’t feel comfortable, what happened for you that made you go, “I can’t work here anymore?”
Davia Shepherd: Well, you have ethics and you have morals and when you see things that are happening that are outside of what you consider to be good and right and true, sometimes you sit in your car and cry because you don’t want to be a part of that sort of thing. And I was fortunate because I was able to come home to my wonderful, wonderful husband and say to him, “this is what’s happening and I just can’t be a part of this.” And he was so great and he was very supportive of my desire to go back to school and really focused on holistic patient care.
Darla LeDoux: Amazing. And so, you’ve been a chiropractor for how long now?
Davia Shepherd: For 10 years.
Darla LeDoux: For 10 years. And when did you get this call to host retreats? You’ve been hosting retreats for four. Tell us a little bit about that process. So, you’re seeing patients. I know you own a couple of locations at the moment. You’re seeing people in person, you’re helping them put their back into alignment and all of that. But that also wasn’t really holistic care to you.
Davia Shepherd: It’s so funny because patients would come in, Darla, and they would come in for a headache, neck pain, back pain. And by the time we’d finished treating with them and get them back the road to recovery, I would have outlined an entire coaching program for them and reorganized their health and wellness and gotten them on a new diet and all sorts of things. So, I was in the back of the room basically doing little tiny mini-retreats, one patient at a time. And then, one patient said to me one day, “you know, Doc, you should host retreats.” She was a choral singer and she would have retreats for her choral group every year. And she was saying, “Oh, I know how to do this and I can do this for you.” And I completely dismissed the idea.
And they say things happen in threes. It kept coming up, it kept coming up. Somebody else would bring it up or another patient would suggest something like that. And then once, actually, a venue became available that I wasn’t even aware of, and that’s how our first retreat happened.
Darla LeDoux: What was it? Did it just speak to you or how’d that come to be?
Davia Shepherd: I had a patient who said to me, I mentioned to her, “you know, it just keeps coming up that I should have retreats.” And she said, “Oh, why don’t you have your first retreat at her fiancee’s location?” And she started doing all the legwork and making everything happen. She showed me, herself, how to set up an event right, everything. She just took the bull by the horn. Basically, it was right to the finish line, and we had a really, really good turnout for that retreat. Some patients came, some people who are not our patients showed up. And it was wonderful.
Darla LeDoux: And what were you able to do in the retreat setting that was different than what you could accomplish just in one-on-one patient sessions?
Davia Shepherd: Well, I really have come to realize that what happens in a retreat is in another way magical, if you will, because you get transformations, you get turnarounds, you get things changing in ways that a regular 20 minute session with a patient, you’re not going to get that deep. You’re not going to get that much done. You might over a longer period of time. But if you can get together with a group of like-minded people over, well we were doing weekend retreats at the time, over a weekend, the transformation can be really, really mind-boggling.
Darla LeDoux: Can you think of a story of someone that healed or shifted something that blew your mind?
Davia Shepherd: There was one woman who came to one of our really, really early retreats. Her story is so inspirational because she had gained quite a bit of weight. She’d had three children. She maybe wasn’t feeling very good self esteem and just being in a group of women who identified with some of the things that she was going through was helpful for her. And she embraced the programming and she actually went on her own journey and she’s now one of the people that I can send people to now because she has a whole fitness practice, that she started as a result of this. She lost maybe 50 pounds or something like that. And she is really a story of true transformation because not only did her body change, but her mindset changed as well. And so, now she’s looking at herself as not broken at all, but completely whole.
Darla LeDoux: Davia, do you see those going hand in hand often, the body and the mindset?
Davia Shepherd: Well, I know for 100% sure that they are inextricably linked. There is no way to separate them and I, Darla, feel as though that’s what’s missing in the health care model the way we see it today. Well there are lots of things that are missing in that model. If we can get people to embrace the fact that their mind is not divorced from their body, then you can start to see some of the changes that we expect.
Darla LeDoux: I know you had your own “physician heal thyself” moment.
Davia Shepherd: Yes, Darla, I did. I did.
Darla LeDoux: Can you talk about that?
Davia Shepherd: I had a really serious health issue and this may be too, one of the reasons why I ended up really talking to patients in the room about overall health as opposed to just headache, neck pain, back pain, which is what most people were coming in to see me for. I had my baby and I was not at all taking care of my personal health. I went back to work at six weeks. I was not sleeping through the night because my baby, well he wasn’t sleeping through the night, he’d wake up every two hours and he did sleep through the night til he was 18 months old.
Darla LeDoux: Wow.
Davia Shepherd: I was up all night because I was nursing. So, when he would wake up in the night, I was it. There was no alternative to that and I would go to work the next morning and smile and see patients. And at some point, that takes a toll on your body. I wasn’t eating right because I wasn’t losing the baby weight and I was expecting, “oh it would just fall right off because I’m exercising, I’m eating right, I’m nursing,” all the things and I wasn’t losing even an ounce. So, I decided, in my extreme brilliance, why don’t I train for the Hartford Marathon, since training for the marathon, that will definitely get the pounds to fall off.
Darla LeDoux: Sure.
Davia Shepherd: Not sleeping, not really eating the things I should have been eating, nursing, working, and I was training for the marathon. And right after the marathon, I was in office treating with patients and patients said to me, “Doc, you’ve got to go take care of yourself” because I was on crutches treating patients because I couldn’t walk because of what’s happening with my feet. And I’d never before closed my office, and we closed up shop early that day and I was fortunate enough to get in to see a friend who is a specialist.
She sat me down and she said, “you know what’s going on right?” “No,” and this was after having gone to six other doctors too. She said, “you know what’s going on is autoimmune.” And I knew it was autoimmune, but I was in denial. And so, I had to choose in that moment to treat myself with the kindness that I would treat patient. And I got past that. And since then, my focus has really been on encouraging self-care with patients because if you are not taking care of yourself, I have seen firsthand what burnout looks like and it’s not beautiful.
Darla LeDoux: Burnout is not beautiful.
Davia Shepherd: It’s not.
Darla LeDoux: I think a lot of people here will relate to that idea of ignoring themselves in service of others. And we talked a little bit, Davia, about being in the back of the room versus being in the front of the room. And being the person who’s supporting everyone versus taking your place in front of the room as a leader of retreats, but in general. And I feel like that really connects. Can you talk a little bit about that journey for you, when you got the call that said, hey, you’re meant to lead these retreats, you’re meant to be speaking, you speak in front of hundreds of people every month at least? What has transition been like for you? Both the mind and also the physical, being that leader?
Davia Shepherd: It’s an interesting question. I am built, I believe, to be in service. I always want to be helping, always want to be doing things for other people. Always wondering what can I do for you. And that would, in a way, allow me to be in the background a lot of the times. It would definitely do that, but then feeling the call to lead retreats really forces you to stand up and make your way to the front of the room to allow yourself to be noticed, in a way, and not in a way of ego, but in a way of being of service. And it turns out that I have had the ability to do this all along, but I have just not been having the confidence to do it. It starts with your first retreat.
Darla LeDoux: Yeah, as you’ve started to take the place in front of the room and you’ve done it four times now, right? Four retreats or more than four retreats?
Davia Shepherd: More than four retreats, but we’ve been doing retreats for four years.
Darla LeDoux: Okay, so talk a little bit about that journey, and this is part of the Transform the Leader series, going behind the scenes with people who are doing this work. If you can think of a couple of times, I know you just got back from a retreat in Bermuda, which I’m sure people will want to hear about, but if you think about your journey, what has that growth been like, to say, you know what, this is what I’m supposed to do?
Davia Shepherd: It was interesting because the first retreat that I ever did, I did it in partnership with a few other women because I didn’t feel confident enough to step up and invite people to a retreat where I was going to be the only leader. So, I had somebody who was a yoga instructor come, I had a psychologist come to take care of some of the cognitive issues and that sort of thing. Fast forward to my most recent retreat and that’s been a completely different sort of retreat because our focus has been probably more on the transformation, more on the mindset piece because I have come to realize that if that isn’t taken care of, then all the things that we’re doing in the office to help patients with their body, it’s going to be either temporary or it’s not going to work well. And so, it has been an evolution. The sorts of retreats we’ve been presenting have been different as we’ve gone along and the confidence levels have definitely built over time.
Darla LeDoux: So, in the beginning, you felt like, “okay I need someone else to come do this part because that I’m the medical doctor.” And it sounds like in your one on one care you said you would lay out a whole coaching plan for them.
Davia Shepherd: No issues, Darla, no issues doing that in the office because that’s in the background. But moving that to the front of the room, and actually taking ownership of saying that I am a retreat leader, that was something very, very different from anything I’d ever done. And I don’t know about you, but me walking up to colleagues and saying, “oh yeah, I’m a retreat leader now,” imagine the looks that are… You’re coming from a background in engineering, you know what I’m talking about.
Darla LeDoux: I avoided doing it because of that. I would tell people I was thinking about doing this and they would give me this look of “why.” Yeah, and part of my mission is to have retreat leader be an esteemed profession, not like some weird thing that people do on the side. So yeah, I totally get that.
And what would you say to those people now? Now that you’ve been doing this for a while, if they’re saying you’re a doctor, you’re not a retreat leader, what would you say to them?
Davia Shepherd: Well, it’s interesting that you asked that because I went to a continuing education thing at Yale the other day, and I was talking to a lot of other doctors and telling them all, so excitedly, telling them all about the great transformations that have been happening with patients because we’ve been going on retreat, and doing so in a very unapologetic way because I was so fired up and I was so happy about it. Their response to me was completely different from how it used to be beginning. And so, it all starts with me, and that was a journey that I had to take. I had to get comfortable with being a retreat leader before anybody else could take me seriously in that role. And now, I even have friends who are asking me, well, maybe this is something that I could do for my patients too. Full circle.
Darla LeDoux: Wow, I love that. That sounds like a transformation to me.
Davia Shepherd: Absolutely.
Darla LeDoux: Going from, this is kind of embarrassing, I’m supposed to be doing this medical work in a certain way. I can’t tell people what I’m really doing to let me tell people and inspire them because they should be doing this too.
Davia Shepherd: Yeah, it’s definitely been. While I have been a guide for my patients on retreat, I always say to patients, “you come in here for me to help you, but in every single situation, you help me.” So, I have been learning as I have been going through this. It’s been great.
Darla LeDoux: Yeah, share a little bit more about that because that really fits with our theme of Transform the Leader. As a retreat leader, I know my life gets enriched so much just because this is the nature of my work. What has shifted for you or how have you transformed to be able to hold space for your patients?
Davia Shepherd: There have been some definite growth moments for me going through all of this because, as a person, you have concerns and you have things that would hold you back from doing the retreats and doing the things that you think you should be doing. And there may be certain ways that you might be feeling like this is the way you should be doing things. But then, really and truly, it’s not. I like to listen a lot to our retreat participants. I like to really actively listen and really understand what it is that they’re going through because it’s always, always, always going to be a learning experience for me every single time without a doubt.
Darla LeDoux: And if you think about the people listening to this podcast, they are wanting to host retreats or they’re already leading retreats, they probably are running a business that they’re having to be in the spotlight or they’re having to present their ideas or make sales. How does optimal health help someone like that?
Davia Shepherd: Well, here’s the thing. It’s so exciting because we can be and do and have and feel as healthy as we want to feel, and it’s so exciting because can continue to be healthy even into our older age. We can have our mental faculties in place, we can be skydiving grannies at 90. All of these things are possible and, for somebody who’s running a business or leading retreats, you ought to be an optimal health so that you can hold that space for the people who are coming to get that which you are offering. You want to make sure that you are full.
You know that Facebook saying that keeps going around, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” or “you have to put your mask on first” or that sort of thing. A lot of people think, unfortunately we’ve been taught this, so not blaming anybody at all for thinking this, but a lot of people really, really do think that decline is a natural part of getting older.
Darla LeDoux: Yeah.
Davia Shepherd: We’ve been conditioned to believe that that’s true and it’s not. It’s not at all. There is optimal that you can be. You can be the very best for your situation, and no matter what your situation is, it can always be improved. And, Darla, let me ask you a question. I know you’re the interviewer, but if you’re feeling crappy, are you going to be at your best for your clients? Are you going to be able to give them the best? Are you going to be able to give them what they really, really need? Are you going to be able to do all your systems and processes and all the things that you need to do if your energy levels aren’t great, if you are not mentally clear?
And a lot of people have little background health issues that they sweep under the rug. Or they might have family members, like parents who have some sorts of diseases that they worry about and wonder whether that’s going to be a part of their lives. There are ways to prevent lots and lots and lots of things. Darla, the technology is available. There is no reason that people should be suffering with-
Darla LeDoux: Yeah, Davia, talk a little bit more about that, and I can use as an example, as you know, I just got bifocals. And I knew I needed them, or at least I knew my vision wasn’t the best, and by the way, when I went in, someone said, “welcome to your forties” and I thought of you, this conversation that we have in our culture about aging comes up in so many ways. But I didn’t realize I was so tired at the end of every day, and I didn’t realize what an effect that that had. And I know that you’re always on the cutting edge of technology, that you have different equipment in your office that really helps your patients. Talk a little bit about what’s available that we might not know about. We mentioned your four step system. What is it that you’re bringing to clients that help them have that optimal health so they can show up fully without being tired when they’re going to work?
Davia Shepherd: Well, great question. Our four step process starts with diagnostics, basically. The diagnostics that you get when you go in for your annual are the very, very basic. You’re probably going to get your CBCs, your chem panel, just to make sure that you’re moseying along. But there are higher level tests that you can do that can give you more insight as to what’s really going on on the inside.
Darla LeDoux: So, those basic tests, are they basically testing to see if you have some major disease?
Davia Shepherd: Yes, they are going to give you some information if something is already wrong.
Darla LeDoux: Gotcha. And so, the testing you do is more anticipatory?
Davia Shepherd: We’re trying to anticipate these things that might show up. So, we’re looking at everything from DNA to advanced level imaging, which pinpoints the inflammation levels and the different organs of the body. We’re looking at different types of blood tests that show you things that you wouldn’t see on your regular basic scans. We’re looking at things like how is your body utilizing the energy that is available. Is there something that we can do to improve that? All sorts of tests are available. This is, as we’re heading into 2020, believe me when I tell you, it’s available. You can find out exactly what’s going on in your body. You can see what you’re predisposed to, and then we can focus on a tailored plan for prevention.
Darla LeDoux: And why do you think people aren’t doing this?
Davia Shepherd: Because they don’t know. If people know that they can prevent something, they’re going to prevent it. But we’ve been taught and we’ve been socialized that you go for your physical and if something shows up, we’ll treat it. Then the other thing is that, and this was one of the things that we were talking about at the last conference that I went to, many, many of us in the healthcare profession, we’re a little stymied because we’re practicing insurance, no health care. And so, patients want to know, well, is it covered by my insurance? And if it’s not, then it’s going to be something that they’re going to want to think twice about paying for.
Darla LeDoux: Right.
Davia Shepherd: So, there’s that.
Darla LeDoux: There’s that whole mindset shift.
Davia Shepherd: Yes.
Darla LeDoux: And then people listening, I know this came up in my mind, if you’re working with people and you’re doing this testing and you’re getting this information about them and helping create this custom plan, and that they come on retreat, how does that work with, and I’ve never asked you this, how does that work with sharing the medical information? Do people share? What does that, being in a group and talking about the preventative stuff, is that something people are eager to share with other people?
Davia Shepherd: Oh, sure. And it’s a great question. One of the things that we have patients sign ahead of coming on retreat is a HIPAA disclosure. So, they know that whatever happens on retreat, they are legally bound to have it stay on retreat. They’re signing it for themselves, but they’re also signing for everybody in. And then, when you’re in a group of people who might also have been cancer survivors or they might also have an autoimmune issue, there is a closeness that is developed because you realize you are not alone. And so, people enjoy sharing because it encourages that sense of community because a lot of the times when we go through our health journeys, especially health, it’s very, very private. And aside from our family members who might be immediately involved with our care, it’s something that nobody knows about.
I was in my office on crutches treating patients. Nobody knew what was going on with me. Nobody had a clue. My husband is the closest person to me and I don’t even think that I spoke to him very much about what was going on. Just suck it up and keep moving.
Darla LeDoux: Yeah.
Davia Shepherd: And we’ve also been socialized that you suck it up, you grin and bear it. You put up with the little inconveniences with your health. And some of my patients who are guys, it’s their wives that drag them to the doctor because there is that mentality that you just put up with it. It’s just part of life.
Darla LeDoux: Yeah. Well, and also in this space of transformation, there can be shame about it also.
Davia Shepherd: Yes.
Darla LeDoux: A few years ago, I fell and I tore my rotator cuff and I went on this whole healing journey with my shoulder and I remember going on retreat and just feeling so embarrassed. Like even though I had fallen and it had happened, like you said, the mind body is linked, so I knew there were emotional components to shouldering the burden and all these things I’d been doing that I needed to look at and I was really embarrassed. Well, if I had my mindset act together, this wouldn’t have happened. So, there’s also shame.
Davia Shepherd: Yes, you’re absolutely right about that. And one of the things that I am coming to terms with because I’ve gone through my own health issues and I’m like, “oh my goodness, I’m a doctor. I should have known better.” But the truth is, Darla, there are no accidents and there are no coincidences. And it was meant that I would go through that because, if I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. I wouldn’t have known how debilitating something like that is. I’ve read about it in textbooks. I’ve treated patients who’ve been, presenting with those sorts of symptoms. But personally, I have never gone through anything like that.
And now that I have, my level of compassion for somebody who is walking into our office or walking into one of our retreats is on a complete different level. And my ability to be a guide in that situation is completely different. And also, to really point out the mind body connection because if I hadn’t been neglecting that, I probably wouldn’t have gone through what I went through at all, two unnecessary surgeries later.
Darla LeDoux: Wow. In the years of doing this, I’ve heard so many stories of people having recommended medical procedures that either they went through and then on the other side went, “oh, I didn’t need that.” We literally had a client who had surgery and the doctors got in there and went, “oh, we were wrong.” Opened up her abdomen for no reason. And her intuition knew it. And then we’ve had people who have honored their intuition and said, “no, I know you’re recommending this, but it doesn’t feel right for me.” It sounds like you can really help people get tuned in with that too.
Davia Shepherd: Yes, absolutely. And I have also, Darla, been on my own journey as far as, and this is not necessarily what you’re talking about, but in terms of my own spirituality and my own… Just being connected with my own body. And so, it makes a big difference when I’m talking to a client or when I am on retreat because I’m in a different place from where I had been before this happened.
Darla LeDoux: Amazing. If someone wants to have optimal wellness, they really want to get this information about themselves, about their DNA and how they’re holding their energy and all of these things that you do, what a good place for them to start with you?
Davia Shepherd: I would say let’s talk. I am a firm believer in conversation and I apparently love to hear the sound of my own voice, so I’ll entertain conversation all the time. And so, I invite people who are like-minded, people who feel like, “you know what, being okay is not okay, but being optimal is really the direction that I want to go in.” I would say they could just hop onto my calendar and we can have a talk and see what might be a good next step for them.
Darla LeDoux: That’s awesome. So guys, Davia has opened up her calendar for you if you want to have a conversation about optimal wellness. And you can find that at So, super easy to remember and that will take you right to Dr Davia’s calendar. And what can they expect from this conversation?
Davia Shepherd: Well, I think it’s important to know what you want. What would light you up as far as your health goes? If you could wave a magic wand and have just all your health complaints go away now and in the future, what would that look like? Really coming to terms with that and then figuring out where you are right now, and just seeing what the gaps are and how we can fill that in. On a call, we can do that. If navigating that gap sounds like something that we could work on together, then at that point, we could talk about that some more, but definitely seeing what your next steps are, having some concrete next steps for optimal health would be.
Darla LeDoux: And they can find out if getting certain testing is going to be helpful for them based on what’s going on for them personally?
Davia Shepherd: Yes.
Darla LeDoux: And would it be right if, say someone has an autoimmune situation going on and it’s really impacting their day to day, I’m guessing that would be right for them? And if someone has like an ache and pain or something that they think is small, is this still a good conversation to have right now?
Davia Shepherd: I’m going to tell you something that’s going to absolutely knock your socks, that you’re not wearing, off your feet. Here’s the deal. We’re all on the autoimmune spectrum. Every single one of us. Some of us are just farther along than others because we’re constantly, every single day, feeding our bodies with stress. That’s the number one thing. We’re feeding our bodies with things that are not good for us. We’re exposing ourselves to all sorts of toxins, and our bodies can only do so much. After a while, we’re actually going to move farther and farther along this spectrum. So, okay, you’re having some aches and pains or something that you might consider minor. Take care of that now. And if you’re having something that’s more major, well also now it’s a good time. So, I can’t think of anybody for whom taking a look would be a bad idea. Haven’t thought of anybody yet. I’ve got to work on that.
Darla LeDoux: Awesome. Yeah, and I feel like I want to ask you this because Kimmie and I were just talking about this yesterday, about how it can get a little overwhelming to think about all of the things we’re exposed to in our environment, that we’re not even aware of or that we might not have control over, like the source of the fish you buy at the market. And yet, you’re feeling with the right tools we can support your body.
Davia Shepherd: With the right tools, absolutely. Absolutely. I have also found that it has to start somewhere and it has to start with someone, and the more we pay attention to these things, you will notice that things are changing because I remember when I was just diagnosed and I was looking for gluten-free things, I could never find anything like that in the supermarket. I’d have to go to a specialty health store.
Now, I walk into my local stop and shop and it’s on the front page. The things that we are paying attention to are the things that we will see movement with, and I think I am really, even though I’m leading retreats and talking to clients in the office, really and truly what I I’m all about is this movement from better lives for people in the world. And I like to start with women because we’re the moms and the girlfriends and the sisters and the aunties and we have so much influence over what goes on in this world and we don’t even know it.
Darla LeDoux: That’s beautiful. Thank you so much, Dr Davia. It’s been so fun to spend this time with you. Listeners, you can find out more about Dr Davia at, and if you want to book that call, Thank you so much for taking time out of your really full and optimal life to be with us.
Davia Shepherd: Thank you, Darla. I am truly, truly humbled and really, really appreciative of you giving me the opportunity to be on your podcast, and if I’ve helped one, then my job is done.
Darla LeDoux: Awesome. Thank you, Davia.
Have you been called to integrate retreats into the way you do business?
Are you a coach, consultant, creative, or healer who tends to be on the cutting edge with the way you work? Are you ready to integrate transformation into your offerings in a way that your clients get better results, faster, all while you simplify and leverage your time?
If so, it might be time to start leading transformational retreats. Transformational retreats are only going to get more popular as our world gets busier, and more and more people are opting to invest in experience and transformation over stuff and information.
If you’re a part of that shift and you want your live experiences to get traction now get our five-part starter kit today.