Jul 1, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
How to stand firm when they waffle. Last week we looked at what actually happens between the time your prospect gives you a “Yes, but…” (I have to think about it, I have to talk to my spouse, etc.) and when they turn around and decide “no.” I gave you some tips to...Jun 24, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
When “I’ll think about it” goes south! Every entrepreneur I’ve known has had this experience. You have a conversation with a prospect who is considering working with you. They are totally “in.” You can see so clearly how you can...Jun 3, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
“I’m not willing to go into debt for my business.” “I invested tens of thousands in my business and I am still trying to make that money back.” “I don’t use credit.” “I spent the last five years getting out of debt and I’m not going back there again.” “I just need to...May 21, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I’m prepping to teach a small group of committed entrepreneurs how to host a profitable retreat. We are covering everything from how to market and fill it, how to decide what to teach, what to do after the retreat, and importantly, what to do to move the room. I’m...Jan 22, 2014 | Designing Your Business
One of the biggest struggles for entrepreneurs is interpreting “what it all means” in the times when we encounter resistance, and in the times we don’t. We make up all kinds of things that can make us crazy! Resistance When we encounter resistance to moving toward our...