Today’s article includes the second in my current free video training series, The One Biggest Roadblock.

As you know, I’m writing about the blocks we create when we are trying to change a world that, quite frankly, doesn’t want to be changed.

You got into business to make a difference. For many of my readers, they desire to prevent others from experiencing the kind of pain they have experienced in their own life, or to fix the wrongs that happened to them. And when we do this, we are coming from a hurt or disempowered place. The core of the mission is good and healthy and important, but the hurt part of us can lash out and be angry, resentful, and frustrated. OFTEN because we aren’t charging enough, or we aren’t working with the people who light us up and value us.

The roadblock is the need for Validation. It’s such a frustrating dream killer. Check out today’s video to learn more:

Darla LeDoux | The Biggest Roadblock


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