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I’m here to tell you, that what you do on a daily basis, when you get on the other side, it’s going to be like that was a walk in the park. You’re already doing the hard, heavy lifting. There’s going to be so much freedom. But we have to just go through that little narrow line with a trusted person that can help you get to that spot.

– Wendy Lee

Darla LeDoux: Hello and welcome to today’s episode of Retreat and Grow Rich, the podcast. I am super thrilled to be here with my friend and colleague, Wendy Lee. Hi Wendy.

Wendy Lee: Hi, Darla. I’m so happy to be here today. Thank you so much for having me be a part of this.

Darla LeDoux: Thank you so much for taking time and bringing all of your amazing energy to this group, and I’m super thrilled. I want to tell you guys a little bit about Wendy. Wendy left her job as a senior vice president of human resources to start her coaching business. And what I really want you to know is, Wendy’s story is one of creating gifts where it maybe didn’t seem like there were gifts, using those gifts to their fullest, and also being able to release the gifts and move on to something new. And for me, Wendy, that feels like a life of true freedom.

And I know that’s what you really represent for people is creating this life of true freedom. And Wendy is the founder of LeadHERship Revolution, with an H-E-R in there. And what she’s really committed to is helping women to bring all of themselves to the table and not just the parts that look good or are polished up. And she really helps people to heal from past trauma, through vulnerability, through being fully themselves. And in that bringing your full self to the table really helps people to look at the ways they’ve been using their energy, in ways that are healthy and unhealthy, so that they can be better leaders and have more influence in the world. So Wendy, thank you for being here. And I just want to start by asking you to share a little bit of your story in terms of, what is it that has you so passionate about this work of helping people have freedom and be leaders from an empowered, vulnerable, feminine standpoint.

Wendy Lee: Yes. Awesome. Wow. My stuff sounds awesome listening to it. Just hearing it back really reminds me of why I am doing this. A little bit of my story, really, it kind of came to a head when I was in the corporate world, but there was a lot of things swirling in the background. So I like to take people back a little bit, when I first started with my own transformation, and I was going through certainly a difficult time in my life. It happened to be a divorce. And it wasn’t so much that it was the divorce, it was what the divorce represented, and how I really was not being myself in the relationship. I was not honoring myself in the relationship. And kind of settling for less than I really knew, deep down inside, that I desired. And it was also the perfect relationship for me where I was at that time.

So contrary to that, in the corporate world, it seemed that I was doing excellent. I had built my way, all the way up to an executive position. And I loved that feeling of helping people. I was the head of HR, so I did a lot of employee relations. I had a great family of individuals that I worked with, but there was just this something that was missing. And I wasn’t very nice to myself. On one hand I was overworking myself at work because I was getting rewarded for it and on the other hand I often kind of thought of myself as “Wow, if people really knew the real me, they would be disappointed. If they saw how I really acted at home, or the things behind the scene of what was not working right.” There was just this feeling of always trying to be do something. And so I just kind of raise my hands in the air literally and said, “Something’s got to change.”

Darla LeDoux: Wendy. I’m curious if people knew the real me.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: We hear about imposter syndrome, it sounds kind of like that. But what was it that you were thinking about yourself that you thought, “Oh, if they knew this, they wouldn’t trust me. They wouldn’t listen to me.

Wendy Lee: Yeah. It was just this feeling of not being good enough. I had a lot of self-doubt and I was overcompensating in different ways. So I kind of did that in two ways. I call it either my uber-masculine, which I might as well had hair chest, because I was so in my uber-masculine of doing, proving, in control. In control was one of my favorites. And that’s all acceptable in some realms. But on the other part, I was in this unhealthy feminine and really allowing myself to turn into this chameleon with whatever partner I was with. So the good, bad, and ugly is I would match that and totally lose myself. Which the outcome was what I call the crazy lady. Normally when people meet me, they’re like, “Oh, she’s so nice. She’s so sweet. She’s very loving.” Yes. Until I’m not in alignment. And then I just go off the rails.

Darla LeDoux: So you’re being the crazy lady at home and then basically a man at work.

Wendy Lee: Yeah, pretty much. That’s an interesting combo.

Darla LeDoux: Yeah. So there’s a disconnect there.

Wendy Lee: Oh totally. I was totally disconnected from my true self, but I didn’t identify it that way. I saw myself as being broken. Like, “Why can’t I get my shit together? What is going on? Why are these patterns keep coming? I already worked on all that stuff. You mean it’s showing up again.” So that was really the disconnect.

Darla LeDoux: Mm. And I know today you do intimate retreats. You do retreats with clients individually who are in a similar experience. Is that a common thing that you see where people are being this uber masculine at work and then unhealthy feminine at home?

Wendy Lee: Absolutely. It’s so interesting. What you need to learn you teach, and how that gets attracted in your field. I see it often. In fact, it has been my observation that a lot of women are leading from their unhealed trauma. And it’s kind of been this thing where they haven’t had this awakening yet, and so in order to compensate they fit right into the mold of either their own business or the corporate world where they can just work themselves to death to prove and achieve. And by the way, again, that’s so accepted by our society. So why not? Why not buy into that? But at the same time they’re not really happy. And the old adage, the higher you get up on the ladder, it’s lonely at the top. It gets more and more lonely, because then you’re not connected with anybody else, and you just have to sit there with yourself. And that’s when these thoughts start coming up about I’m a fake, I’m an imposter, if they really knew me. Yeah, all of that stuff starts coming up.

Darla LeDoux: So you’re there in your office thinking, “I’m a fake. What would people think if they really knew that I’m this crazy lady at home.” And you made a decision to get divorced. So then what?

Wendy Lee: Yeah, so I made a decision. I threw my hands up. I was like something needs to change. And I’ve always been health-conscious, with working out and eating healthy, but I was missing the healthy conscious about myself. Not completely, but it wasn’t a main focus. And so things just started showing up. I think the biggest pivot point is that I was watching Super Soul Sunday and a episode came on, and there was actually three up and coming coaches. I didn’t even have any idea what a coach was at that time. But there was something about one of the people that really resonated with me about love and leading with your heart basically. And I was like, “Okay, I need some of that right now.” And I started following their blog, and then eventually I went to one of their seminars, and then eventually I went to a retreat.

Now mind you, when I signed up for this retreat, again, I had no clue. I had never done transformational work. I had never gone to an immersion retreat. I just knew that I needed something. And my body knew, my soul knew, so there I went, and it completely changed my life, completely. That’s where I really garnered the idea of feminine and masculine energy. And I was like, “Holy shit, this is me.” Both of these, but in the negative aspect in the very far unhealthy unhealed. And it was like somebody just hit me over the head and things completely changed from there. Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: I’m thinking back to, we were your neighbors on that retreat-

Wendy Lee: Yes, you were.

Darla LeDoux: … in our hotel room and I’m just, in watching your work and how you show up in the world, just for a flash there, Wendy, I was thinking back to the serious Wendy, that was our neighbor on retreat.

Wendy Lee: It’s interesting. I was going to ask you, what was your impression of me when you met me? That was five and a half years ago.

Darla LeDoux: Yeah. It’s so strange in this moment. I mean I always, we loved being your neighbor, and we enjoyed meeting you, and we thought you were awesome. And now I am thinking, you were very serious. You were kind of like-

Wendy Lee: I had a stick up my ass.

Darla LeDoux: … serious face. Yeah.

Wendy Lee: Super serious. That was my protection.

Darla LeDoux: I lightened up a lot in the last five and a half years too, so I-

Wendy Lee: High five. High five for lightening up.

Darla LeDoux: Exactly.

Wendy Lee: No, I was super serious. That was a protection mode. And I had kind of created this persona at work, like you have to be serious in order for people to take you seriously. And serious just was my way of holding onto all of these feelings, some of them were anger, betrayal, things that had happened to me as a kid with trauma, but it was like this imaginary thing that would keep you just far enough away. I was nice but it was like, Oh let me just, unknowingly in my unconsciousness keeping people just that far away, which is always so interesting because what we really want is connection, but we create these survival patterns that give us just the opposite. Because our brain is like, I’m going to keep you safe.

Darla LeDoux: Yes, yes.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: So you obviously this whole podcast is about transformation and transformational retreats and the power of getting together live. And it’s so interesting because I work with people from all over the world who want to host retreats and it’s hard to describe.

Wendy Lee: Yeah. It really is.

Darla LeDoux: Transformation is hard to describe until you experience it and then it’s like, “Oh yeah. Totally got it. I totally get it.” So you got that kind of light bulb moment.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: And you go back home and tell us what’s different now.

Wendy Lee: Yeah. I mean the light bulb moment is that like you just literally know that something has changed. You don’t know the magnitude of it until a little bit farther down the line. But generally speaking, for me, the immediate change is that I started to tap back into my femininity. I used to wear like suits and gray, black, brown. I might have a pop of color underneath it, but definitely a suitie girl. I started wearing dresses. And it was literally when I came back, I had people kind of lean in like, something’s different with you. I also would allow people, and this was a conscious thing, if I would walk up to a door and there would be two people, whether it was a man, woman, doesn’t matter. I would kind of step back and let them open the door. It was kind of a way for me to practice receiving, which is a very feminine quality.

So I started just really embracing the great parts of my femininity, my vulnerability, my intuition, all those things that I’d dialed down. And I just noticed big changes. First of all, I just noticed that I felt more balanced. I felt more at ease. I didn’t feel so uptight. I didn’t feel this misalignment. So some of my crazy level went down. It wasn’t an automatic. I had a few more bumps in the road where I got to practice choosing boundaries and doing positive things for yourself. It wasn’t an automatic thing. But it sparked the awareness and the more aware I became, then I would attract that in more and more. And I continued my process. I continued my self development and I continued working with coaches. So that was a big, big thing because I had many more breakthroughs. That’s the old adage of the onion. It’s not just a one and done. It’s like, okay, now we’re going to the next level and the next level. And yeah.

Darla LeDoux: So for you, you got the transformation bug and it’s become your career. And obviously I relate to that because I was in corporate when I was trained as a coach, and I was trained as a coach on retreat. And in the course of the retreat I thought, “Why doesn’t everybody know this? Why is anybody talking about anything else? How can anyone go back to their job and not be talking about this work?” So I really relate to that. And one of the things I know, you help people who are where you were.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: Before you left, you noticed some real shifts in how you were showing up as a leader. And specifically in bringing in a certain aspect of leadership that a lot of people don’t think of as leadership. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Wendy Lee: Yeah, absolutely. Because at that moment when I went to the retreat and I came back, I was feeling really good. I had no intentions of leaving my job. And as I started to embrace my vulnerability and my femininity more… A lot of what I did at work was employee relations. And so I would deal with people, they’d come into my office, and it would seemingly be about Judy’s not getting her work done, or she’s showing up late, or whatever it might be. And because I had started tapping in more to my intuition, I knew that that was not why Judy was acting the way that she was. And so when the manager would leave, I would kind of sit down with Judy.

And because I just had this instinct, this knowing, that was becoming more and more apparent that I had this gift, I just would say, “What’s really going on? Because I’ve known you for this amount of time and I’ve never known you to act, behave, or react this way.” And a lot of times people would be reluctant and then I would get this other download, share a piece of your story. And I don’t know how, but I just knew what piece to share. And so there was many times where I told a little piece of my story, and particularly with women, I would have them look at me and just have this release. And they would share with me a part of their story, in some cases that they had never ever shared with a single human being in their life.

And as I continued to do this, I was like, “People need this work. They need this realness.” I had already kind of adopted this theme that I was going to put the human back in human resources, but I could only do that in this small arena. And so I thought, man, just like you, people need to know about this. And I was the only person I knew, at my work, that knew about that stuff. So I just started sneaking it in. And then I started sneaking it in in training because I did leadership training. And the first course of leadership training was How do You Make Your Employees do This. Fill in the blanks. It was that serious Wendy. And by the end of it we were talking about all kinds of the four agreements, and all kinds of things that we were bringing in, that was more to the heart and people were reacting to that.

Darla LeDoux: So I want to go back to I think you said Judy.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: Judy, as a placeholder. So in that moment when you’re getting this, first of all intuition, oh this isn’t about what it seems, there’s something more going on there. Yeah. And then the hit to share a part of your story, and I know your story, you talk about this very openly and on your website, includes sexual abuse from your father, and a lot of relocating, and a lot of trauma as a child.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: So first of all, when you got the hit, like there’s something more going on, was that something you’d always noticed or was it new to start noticing that intuition?

Wendy Lee: I think I always had a sense about people, but I did not, there was something underlying that I didn’t trust. looking at it now wholly, I probably didn’t trust myself. I also found myself in containers that didn’t allow for that. So it was again, that perfect match that would keep me small and disconnected. But I could always have a sense of people, but I didn’t trust that intuition. My intuition was very strong, but I wouldn’t act on it, and I wouldn’t speak on it. So it just stayed within me.

Darla LeDoux: So then when you got the hit to share part of your story, I’m guessing there was some thought like, well that’s not something you talk about at work. So how did that go for you?

Wendy Lee: You know, it’s interesting. The more transformation that I did for myself, that piece just automatically came into check. I didn’t really hesitate on it. It was just like my soul was just dying to say like, you need to say this now. So it wasn’t like I had a conversation with myself, “Ooh, I better not.” And I was growing a lot in my own self, so I never thought that, I just knew I needed to do it. And whether I consciously or intrinsically knew to trust that it was like, well, I’m just going to do it. Which was so against my nature. I’m a rule follower. You’ve got to do everything right. Here I am the head of HR, but I guess for me, I wasn’t worried about any consequences about it and I knew my integrity. I knew why I was doing it.

Darla LeDoux: Yeah.

Wendy Lee: Yeah, it was a no brainer.

Darla LeDoux: I love that you said, “I shared my story. I shared a part of my story.” And today you work with people on retreat and I know that’s a big part of it. So can you talk a little bit about vulnerability specifically because when you’re saying, “Oh, I didn’t question it in that moment.” And I can totally get that, like you were in the flow and then you just knew and you didn’t question it yet.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: Yet, would you say you made a conscious choice to bring vulnerability to work or is it only in retrospect that you look at it and say, “Oh that was my vulnerability and it really worked for me?”

Wendy Lee: I think it’s a retrospect thing. Again, it’s something though that when we honor ourselves, and we invest time and energy and money into ourselves and our self development, that these things then become available to us. So I didn’t make that connection. What I did make the connection to is that I was reconnecting to my feminine energy, whatever that might be.

Darla LeDoux: Yeah.

Wendy Lee: So I guess the feeling of risk diminished and so it just felt natural to be quote unquote vulnerable, which is an opposite feeling of what I grew up with in the past, particularly with my sexual trauma. Being vulnerable meant you were victimized, which is so strange because consequently I just kept re-offending myself in relationships, until you realize it and wake up. So vulnerability has just become a great asset for me. And what I find is the more vulnerable I am through my healing side, like showing up through my vulnerability through the healing. It gives people permission to step into their vulnerability, tell their story, express their feelings, and boy, that is where the transformation is. 1000%. That point, that juncture right there, I’ve seen it over and over again. That’s where the transformation occurs.

Darla LeDoux: So what I’m really hearing, Wendy, is it’s not like, “Okay, I’m going to set out to be vulnerable.” It’s really, “I’m going to commit to doing my personal growth work and then trust my instincts, trust how I show up.”

Wendy Lee: Yeah. I committed to myself. So I healed myself, which then other people lean in like, “Oh, there’s a possibility.” They heal themselves. And then collectively that’s what heals the world. But it’s a continuum. Right? We keep going through that, but it was not a conscious choice.

Today it is. Today I see it and I name it. This is vulnerability and it can be used as an advantage. You can have a vulnerability advantage without being taken advantage of, or without having a misstep, or without all the reasons why we don’t say, do, or be because we feel vulnerable or afraid or scared. Which by the way, for me it’s never turned out to be true. So it’s just our brain going on overload to try to protect us.

Darla LeDoux: Well, when you think about, you said something really interesting. “For me in the past, being vulnerable, meant being victimized.” So then it makes sense. You talked about putting up that barrier to try to protect from that. But you said I continued to re-offend.

Wendy Lee: Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: So that’s an interesting dynamic. Right? What is it that you’ve seen, and I know you’ve led a few retreats, I had the pleasure of having you lead an exercise on my retreat. What is it that you see that people are really needing to heal in order for that vulnerability to be an advantage or to not feel afraid of it? Right?

Wendy Lee: Yeah. For me, what I see as the common thread, and it shows up in all different points, is that feeling of not being good enough. And how we hide and protect so that we don’t seem like we don’t belong, we’re not good enough, we don’t know what we’re doing. It can all have a different starting point. For me, a lot of it came from my sexual abuse. I just didn’t have a sense of myself at all. Other people have other… It doesn’t have to be a trauma, it can just be an experience that you didn’t work through those feelings. And so we then put some sort of assignment to that experience or to that feeling, and then we go through life seeing that. And because we see that, then that’s what gets attracted back to us. The thing about protecting ourselves so that we’re not vulnerable is that we put up a wall, which means nothing can come in and nothing can go out. That’s not really what we want. Most people want to feel love and connected and belonging. I mean, it’s our natural state to want those things.

So how do we do that? Because you can’t just say, “Ah, here I am, come and get it.” There’s got to be some discernment and some boundaries, which that’s where the re-offending part came in. I didn’t understand boundaries and discernment. I had to learn that and practice it.

Darla LeDoux: Yeah.

Wendy Lee: But I think the core of it is not feeling good enough.

Darla LeDoux: Wendy, why are retreats such a great place to heal and to learn and to grow and to really practice this?

Wendy Lee: Yeah. The number one thing by far is it’s a safe place. All of the retreats that I have gone on, all of the retreats that I have been a part of, that have been mine or other people, there’s an automatic feeling, you are safe here. And I think for a lot of people that don’t trust their vulnerability, or don’t know what it’s like to be able to have vulnerability as an advantage, have never experienced having a container of safety where they could have space to explore what those things are in a way that they’re going to be seen, heard, and validated. And a retreat does that like nothing else.

And you attract other like-minded, like-hearted people that want the same thing. So not only is you or me that’s leading the retreat, have that safety, everybody else just buys into it. Then you’ve got all this group of women that are supporting one another. And there’s nothing more than feeling loved, and mothered, and taken care of. You really need that. Especially when you’re going through and you’re digging out some of the stuff that you might’ve been holding onto for a long time. And I have had the privilege of experiencing that myself, and witnessing other people. And we all have the same expression when we do, it’s like, “Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve been carrying this along for so long.” And just that release, it’s like this automatic inviting in of that freedom.

Darla LeDoux: You’re making me want to go on retreat.

Wendy Lee: Me, too. Yeah.

Darla LeDoux: Love it. I love it. So I want to bring in this piece of the masculine and feminine because it’s no accident that resonated so deeply with you on your first retreat. And you talk about it and teach about it now. I know you have exercises that you lead people through to look at their healthy and unhealthy, masculine and feminine. And what guidance would you have or what have you learned about bringing healthy feminine and masculine in as a female business leader? Since most of our listeners are women?

Wendy Lee: Yeah, so it’s interesting because when I left the corporate world, I had started getting more into my feminine, which felt really good. And then I started my business and I got really into my unhealthy feminine for awhile. “Well, I don’t know what to do. I can’t figure anything out. I’ve got to learn all this new stuff.” So I kind of went a little overboard on the unhealthy feminine because it wasn’t true. Maybe I didn’t know how to do it yet, but I was kind of giving my power away. So what I’ve learned is that every piece of it is okay. You’re unhealthy feminine and you’re unhealthy masculine, when you’re operating in that, it just means something’s showing up for us that still needs some love and attention and some healing. So it serves a purpose. And if I need to get something done, then I might strap on my unhealthy masculine for a little bit, if I need to have that little extra oomph. It’s all available all times. It’s about the balance. When we get into the healthy and we’d practice it more and more and more, things are just easier.

Darla LeDoux: What are some qualities, if someone wanted to bring some healthy masculine in to the way they run their business? What are some of those qualities?

Wendy Lee: Yeah, so healthy masculine is, like with any business, if we’ve got retreat leaders or women business leaders or whatever business that you might have corporate women, the healthy masculine helps us get the stuff done that we need to. Right? It allows us to see the big picture. It allows us to do our planning. It allows us to take initiative. It’s the doing energy, so we need that. That’s awesome. That’s what helps us propel forward and aids in our success of our business. If we don’t do that, then we can’t work with our customers.

And the healthy feminine. You tie that in with, okay, that’s the doing. Most of the time when we have a problem, we’re like, “Okay, let me figure this out. I need to figure this out.” That’s all up here. If we tie into our heart and into our intuition, and it’s not weird for me to say it now, but five years ago I would not have said this. This is where all the answers are. We don’t have to come up, we don’t have to think of these things. When we sit quiet… And I’m a big proponent of meditation and yoga. That’s kind of my connect with this time. Those answers come to us.

When I was on your retreat and did a portion of the training there, most of the downloads that I got came two or three days before I was going to do my presentation for you. And in the past I would’ve thought of, “Oh, I’ve got to write this all down. I have to have it so structured and scheduled.” And by allowing it to happen, beautiful things happen. And there wasn’t this resistance. It wasn’t feel hard. It didn’t feel thick and heavy, but I needed to have both in there. And then I was like, “Okay, this is all coming down. Let me just write down in order, just so I know what I want to talk about. Because everything’s so juicy I don’t want to miss anything.” So I bumped it a little of that masculine energy. And it’s awesome when you have both of them. It’s kind of a combination of both.

Darla LeDoux: Hmm. That’s a great example of how the two can marry to achieve something that you really want. Allowing the planning and the activity, and then the receiving of information and downloads, and then moving back into checking with the masculine.

Wendy Lee: Yeah. It’s just great resources when you know how to tap into it. When you really know how to tap into that energy and see it, as an observer, like observe yourself in the energy. It’s a game-changer for sure.

Darla LeDoux: Amazing. So, Wendy, you have a really cool resource for people about vulnerability as an advantage? Can you talk a little bit about that?

Wendy Lee: Yeah. So as I was going on this journey, I realized that there’s these surprising benefits that you get from seeing your vulnerability as an advantage. So I created a PDF that you can download, you can get the whole PDF. And then with it there’s basically 10 videos that you get, that breaks down each one of the advantages. And there’s a story in each one. I’m very vulnerable in the videos. And it was a great reminder for myself too of how I could use something, that in the past was hurtful and scary, to my advantage and how much it’s opened up my life. And I really wanted that for other women too. So yeah, it’s an awesome resource.

Darla LeDoux: Amazing. So you can download that and this’ll be in the show notes at And it’s right there on the homepage. And you’ll be able to connect with Wendy there and see what else she has going on as well. Wendy, I’m just, I’m thinking about the transformation. This has been super fun for me to even remember when we met, and I hadn’t thought about that in a long time, and how you show up today. This journey of the personal development, and the healing of trauma, and the loving of ourselves even when some part of ourselves said, “I’m not enough. I’m not worthy.” It’s not for the faint of heart necessarily. And I know that you experience the joy of living in a new way every single day. So if someone listening is on that path, what would you want to leave them with?

Wendy Lee: It’s such an interesting question because once you’re in it, it’s like, it amazes me how much we put up with being stuck. How hard that is. And we have this notion that transformation is so hard, but we’re already dealing with all of this crap in our own life. Which I’m here to tell you from my experience when you get to the other side, it’s not nearly as hard, but you have to go through it. So what I want to leave people with is that, first of all, it’s so beautiful that we’re on this conversation because I know that you’ve got to experience witnessing a lot of my transformation and I thank you for being a part of that, is that this notion of freedom, freedom to speak what’s on your mind and in your heart. Freedom to live the life that you want to live. Freedom to make the choices that are best for you. Freedom to trust and rely on your heart and your intuition. This is real and it is available to everybody. We’re just disconnected from it.

And for years and years and years, I did not know that and I had so much suffering, like real suffering around it. And now I look back and I’m like, I still needed to go through all of that to get here, but now I just honor it and relish it even that much more. And my desire is that all women find that as soon as they can. My wish is that they can find it early on and that nobody leaves this planet without experiencing that feeling of, “Wow, I really, truly can have that freedom.” That’s my wish.

Darla LeDoux: That’s so beautiful. I love the way you said that. The transformation is much easier than staying stuck. I don’t think I’ve ever phrased it that way or heard it phrased that way. I love it.

Wendy Lee: Well, it’s interesting because I use this verbiage a lot. We prostitute ourselves so much for all this other stuff, meaning selling ourselves out.

Darla LeDoux: Yeah.

Wendy Lee: And I’m here to tell you that what you do on a daily basis, when you get on the other side, it’s going to be like that was a walk in the park. You’re already doing the hard, heavy lifting. There’s going to be so much freedom. But we have to just go through that little narrow line with a trusted person that can help you get to that spot.

Darla LeDoux: Yes, yes. Neither of us got here alone.

Wendy Lee: No, no.

Darla LeDoux: Awesome. Awesome. Wendy, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for who you are in the world. It’s an honor to walk this path with you. And everyone listening, check out Also, like Wendy’s pages on Facebook. Because she does fabulous transformation Tuesdays there where she gets real and vulnerable with what’s up in her worlds and I recommend being a part of that. Thank you, Wendy.

Wendy Lee: Thank you, Darla. Love you. Bye.

Darla LeDoux: Bye.

Have you been called to integrate retreats into the way you do business?

Are you a coach, consultant, creative, or healer who tends to be on the cutting edge with the way you work? Are you ready to integrate transformation into your offerings in a way that your clients get better results, faster, all while you simplify and leverage your time?

If so, it might be time to start leading transformational retreats. Transformational retreats are only going to get more popular as our world gets busier, and more and more people are opting to invest in experience and transformation over stuff and information.

If you’re a part of that shift and you want your live experiences to get traction now get our five-part starter kit today.

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