Being Successful While Hiding

Being Successful While Hiding

When I started my business I thought I knew everything. And nothing. And that is still the case today! It’s something I see happen to many entrepreneurs who would be vastly successful, if they ever truly opened their mouth. Woah, wait, hold on… don’t tune me out just...

Resistance and Doing What’s Easy

One of the biggest struggles for entrepreneurs is interpreting “what it all means” in the times when we encounter resistance, and in the times we don’t. We make up all kinds of things that can make us crazy! Resistance When we encounter resistance to moving toward our...

Snoozing Your Way to Success!

Have you ever thought, “maybe I just need to to cut myself some slack?” Last Thursday I had scheduled myself to attend an early morning networking event.  When 6 a.m. came and my alarm went off, I lay in bed noticing how tired I felt, and I envisioned...