Life is Magical and The Space In Between

Life is Magical and The Space In Between

Life is truly magical. Merriam Webster defines magic as an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. Supernatural (n): of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe. If life is magical, sourced from an...
Arie Did the Right Thing… Here’s Why

Arie Did the Right Thing… Here’s Why

(Controversy ahead) Ok. I admit it. When Monday night rolls round, Kimmi and I huddle up to watch the Bachelor. We often get a text conversation going with her mom, and this year we each picked our top candidates and placed a fancy dinner bet on the outcome (I won)....

Connection Is Queen

Why Small Retreats Build Big Business, or, the Top 10 Reasons I Continue to Host Small Retreats I was thrilled to learn that 2015 is the year of gathering! Astrologically speaking that is. I don’t require my readers to ‘buy in’ to astrology though – you can buy in to...