Sep 22, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
The Client Journey is the way I talk about how we structure and package our services to bring clients on at different levels and get them to the destination they seek. One aspect of developing your Client Journey is to think about how you package and price your...Jul 22, 2011 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
Most solo entrepreneurs have at least some piece of the “why” they are in business that includes having more freedom to be where they want when they want. While each business owner will have a different version of what that looks like, there are some...Mar 28, 2011 | Making Money in Your Business
5 signals and 5 tips for more fun and better results My intuition speaks to me in words. I know I need to write about something when I find the topic crossing my path multiple times in a short period of time. When it’s a word like “aggrandizement” it’s got to be more...Mar 8, 2011 | Making Money in Your Business
Sue was working her butt off, and she still felt stuck. She was doing all the things she thought she needed to do to get the word out her about her business, but something was off. Somehow she wasn’t feeling connected to the things she was sharing when she talked to...Jan 3, 2011 | BEING in Your Business
Have you ever thought, “maybe I just need to to cut myself some slack?” Last Thursday I had scheduled myself to attend an early morning networking event. When 6 a.m. came and my alarm went off, I lay in bed noticing how tired I felt, and I envisioned...