Dec 8, 2010 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
I was a big kid. Really. I weighed almost as much in the 4th grade as I do now, and, well, I was shorter. (I’m traveling today or I’d post a picture). Because of this, for most of my life I completely overanalyzed everything I put in my mouth. My mom just wanted the...Jun 28, 2010 | Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
If you had to name the “rules” by which you currently live, the beliefs that you believe to be true that guide your choices, what would they be? Are they things like: Work hard to survive and be of value in life You must prove your worth Always have an expert...Apr 19, 2010 | BEING in Your Business, Making Money in Your Business
The second key to freedom & clarity is in being irrational… surprised? Einstein said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind its faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the...