Dec 28, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Marketing Your Business
Put down the pen, cut the typing, and stop clipping images out of magazines (if you create a vision board like me)! Don’t create another goal, intention, or resolution until you read further. Attempting to set goals or resolving to do something new without this...Nov 3, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
In last week’s article, “Is the Universe Tricking You?” we talked about the Cycle of Proving and how it shows up to have you question and doubt your decisions. The Universe is never tricking you, it’s simply revealing to you some aspect of your subconscious mind that...Oct 7, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
What is urgency? There are times in business when you need to pull out all the stops to bring in clients, launch the program, launch the website, book the speaking gigs, make the money to fund a marketing activity, etc. And it’s all out urgency. Then there are times...Sep 30, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
I remember those fleeting thoughts… This is it. This is what I’m REALLY about in life. If I could just make this happen, the world would be a different place and I would be a happy girl. Have you had them? Those points of distinct clarity of mind do come, don’t...Aug 5, 2015 | BEING in Your Business, Designing Your Business, Making Money in Your Business, Marketing Your Business
Often people ask me, “but how do I get past my block?” They know the block is there, but they aren’t sure what to do about it. And they try to think their way out of the block. And guess, what? It doesn’t work! How many times have you spent...